Chapter V

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"Sorry for taking so long." I smiled and unscathed my sword, while black and orange patterns painted my face.

Tobirama shot a smirk at me and Hashirama pouted. "Hey! Your sage mode looks cooler than mine!" I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. We had to plot something for this to work, and we had to be quick. Tobirama recognized our abilities and delegated our tasks. Hashirama started by surrounding Madara's samurai with his wood jutsu, making intricate paths only fitting for an experienced dragon. Yomi was supposed to attack the legs, Tobirama prepared some explosive tags to weaken Madara's Susano'o, formerly known as 'blue samurai thing'. I just have to wait for Yomi's signal. My eyes travelled from side to side; following Hashirama's wood, trying not to lose sight of Yomi and paying attention to Tobirama's explosives. I had to be very careful or I would ruin everything. I positioned myself, ready to attack. I saw a fireball shot up at the sky. I took off, running as fast as I could, Tobirama's explosives started going off, just on queue. I jumped from branch to branch rapidly reaching the highest point. I waited just at the end of the explosions to jump back down, pointing my sword at Madara. With one hand I cast a handsign "Senpou:..." everything slowed down, except me. I was getting closer, I saw Madara slowly moving his face upwards, opening his eyes to look up at my blade. I closed my eyes as I fell a liquid splatter me, tasted like blood. I landed and looked over at the scene. My eyes widened and felt uneasiness. I was paralyzed, that move drained my energy completely.

"What are you doing?" I heard Tobirama yell from a distance and appeared a few meters in front of me in a matter of seconds, he grabbed Hashirama by this collar and jerked him. Hashirama grabbed his wrist and twist it to free himself from his brother's wrath. I saw a thick piece of wood covering Madara's body, at least I managed to cut down his left arm. "How did that happen? My sage mode..." "Apparently, when you casted that jutsu, the piece of wood was inches from his body, which gave it enough time to shield him." Tobirama was massaging the side of his forehead, trying to prevent a headache. "So the piece of wood shifted him and that's why I only cut his arm." Tobirama nodded, now pinching the bridge of his nose and growling every two seconds. I hesitantly placed my hand on his upper back. I drew small to medium circles with my fingertips, and caressed his silver strands once in a while. He let out a long sigh and turned to place a small kiss on my forehead. "It's okay. It's not your fault." I felt my face heat up at his soft lips touching my skin, my heart pounced like crazy, I definitely don't hate this feeling. He turned and teleported where Madara was, unsheathing his blade.

"Madara, you're finished." "Wait, Tobirama." Hashirama appeared next to him, making Tobirama glare at his brother. "Why, elder brother? This is our chance!" The tension was rising between the two Senju. "Nobody touches him." I had never seen Hashirama glare, at anyone, let alone his brother. "Just get it over with, Hashirama. It would be an honor to die by your hand." Madara was surrounded by a pool of blood coming out of his cut out arm. He was losing a lot of blood. "Stop posturing. If I kill the clan leader of the Uchiha, it will only incite the young ones who follow you." Madara stood still, stoic face. "There isn't anyone left with such pluck among the Uchiha anymore." "Sure there are. Perhaps not right now, but in time. Come on, why don't we end this war?" I managed to get closer to the scene, just in case something happens. I guess I don't trust Madara. "We made a promise, remember? To create the ideal village someday!" Hashirama's voice was tinted with emotion. "Can't we go back to those days...and skip rocks together?" "That's just impossible. You and I are no longer the same. I don't have a single brother left, I have nothing to protect. I just can't trust you." Hashirama stood serious, trying not to let his emotions guide him. "Is there any way I can convince you to trust us?" "We'll, there is a way to show each other our guts. Either kill your brother or kill yourself right now. And then we'll be even. I'd be willing to trust your clan." My eyes widened, I clenched my fists and grabbed Tobirama's hand to pull myself up. I felt him relax a bit but he was shocked as well. "Kill your brother or yourself? How dare you say something so ridic-" Hashirama motioned me to stop. I growled and crossed my arms. "I agree. This is crazy. So what are you going to do, brother? Are you going to kill me now? Or are you going to die on account of this guy's nonsense?-" I felt my heart shrink at the thought of Tobirama dying. I was gathering chakra in case I had to do something about this. "-It's idiotic. Don't listen to him!" Hashirama suddenly stood up, and took off his armor. "Thank you, Madara. You really are kindhearted." Hashirama took out a kunai and aligned it to his stomach. "Listen, Tobirama. Etch these words into your heart, for these are my final words. Words that I shall be exchanging with my life. You too, my fellow clan members. After my death, do not kill Madara, I forbid any fighting between the Uchiha and Senju. Swear this upon the lives of your fathers, and your grandchildren yet unborn." I clenched my fists, should I stop this? It's Hashirama's dying wish, Tobirama understood this as well. Hashirama closed his eyes, he had a peaceful look, happy. The sharp end of the kunai was an inch away from his body when Madara grabbed his hand. "Enough. I have now seen your guts." We all widened our eyes, this could've ended differently. Hashirama crouched to heal Madara's wound, blood slowly dripping out of it now. Hashirama helped Madara stand up and some Uchiha grabbed him. Madara held his hand for Hashirama to shake, which he did immediately, letting out a laugh. I could see Tobirama was still shocked, and angry. I walked up to him and held his hand, guiding him somewhere quiet.

"I don't want to be a killjoy but, what do you think about this?" He sat down on a rock and took off his happuri, cleaning his forehead from all the sweat. "I think we should be careful, Hashirama may trust him right now but we don- I don't." "I don't trust him either, Tobirama. Just because I'm an Uchiha doesn't mean i'll follow the leader of my clan blindly." He sighed and squeezed my arm. "Sorry, i'm just...i don't know what to think." I placed my forehead on his and hummed. "Well, i'm here for you, okay? I seek peace just as Hashirama, and you. I am not going to treat Madara badly, but i'm definitely not going to praise him for anything he does. We'll watch him closely from the shadows." I pulled away and just as I was leaving I remembered. "Oh, by the way. I'm going back to my village, I need to see how they're doing and...yeah. Here, in case you need me. You won't be able to summon Yomi like I do, but you'll be able to talk to him. In case something happens." I gave Tobirama the seal I have on my palm. I gave him a weak smile and turned back. "Wait." I stopped, feeling my heart pounce against my chest. I don't know, he makes me so nervous. "Thank you, for worrying so much about us, for helping and...for giving me your support." I could tell he was feeling nervous, he said it lowering his voice as if he wanted to say it but didn't want me to hear it. "Hey. Come on..." I rested my hand on his shoulder, looking straight into his ruby eyes, I felt a sudden urge, i'm going to say it, I don't even know what but I feel this..."You-you're a good guy..." I facepalmed myself mentally. "I mean, uhm, how could I not support you. You've helped me too." Double facepalm plus a nervous smile. What's happening to me? "Okay, see you." I turned away quickly and jumped on Yomi who had just landed.

—Time skip—

"Yomi, can I ask you something?" I said after thinking about what happened with Tobirama, I couldn't think of something else, he took over my mind. "Of course, Tsukiko. We have been together for years and you still ask? Tch." He clicked his pointy tongue, but nodded. "It's just-" I sighed, trying to sort out my thoughts. "-sometimes I feel nervous, I get all mixed up around-" should I say his name? "-someone. I want to say something, but then my mouth says otherwise. My actions just-" I felt Yomi lower his head abruptly and made me flinch. "Hahaha, oh kid." His growly laugh made me pout. "What?!" "I never thought I'd see this happen. I fully support you Tsukiko, he's a good guy. Hated him at first but he has won my approval." Wait, what? "You approve of what exactly? Yomi what are you talking about?" I tried to discredit his assertion. My hands started sweating, was I being too obvious? "Okay. Hold tight." I felt the air through my strands as we descended rapidly. I jumped off after landing, furrowing my brows. "Why did we stop?" Yomi laid down on the fluffy grass. "I'm tired. And it's better to talk face to face." I narrowed an eye and sat down across him. "Tsukiko, i've known you for yeeaarss, I know when you're mad, happy, sad, depressed, in love. Basically, I know you more than you know yourself. I know you're trying to discredit me by acting oblivious and all, but you can't fool me." Yomi is my best friend but still, I feel a little embarrassed. I looked at him with puppy eyes, he does know me well. "Okay, yes. It's just, he makes me feel nervous, excited, speechless, and sometimes it stresses me out! It's like, I forget how to act normal, forget how to speak, ugh" I waved my hands in the air and let myself fall back. "He brings out the best in me, he makes me want to take care of him, pamper him, I show him a side I didn't even know I had. He makes me feel vulnerable, but not in danger." I covered my face, trying to tone down the blush that was building on my cheeks, but I wasn't able to stop the smile I had. "Let's go, kid."

"Hey, we're going in the wrong direction Yomi! I think you need to rest more." He glanced at me, and laughed at my clueless expression. "Oh, but we're not going there, Tsukiko. The clan can take care of itself." 

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