Chapter XXI

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We waited outside the Raikage's office, I was fidgeting due to my excitement of seeing Tobirama. Kagami seemed to notice my anxiousness and chuckled. "Tsss-Okaa-san! You are eager to see..." He arched his brow with playfulness. A pink hue crept on my cheeks, the thought of his touch made me shiver. I elbowed Kagami so he would stop teasing me. The door opened with a loud crack and we both flinched. "Here, please make sure these get to the Hokage safely." The Raikage gave us two scrolls and we started walking away.

We exited the village and I couldn't help but feel weird, the sky was crumbling again. We kept walking to the place Akari-san dropped us. "Kagami." I said looking around, I felt breathless. He looked at me puzzled, and looked around trying to decipher what I was thinking. "This is not the place, I don't remember walking through here, do you?" He looked around again and shook his head. "This looks different." He concluded. Every time we looked back, the scenery seemed to change, it was like the terrain shifted every time. "Cover me." I sat on the floor and entered Sage Mode.

I tried to contact Akari-san, but it was like something was blocking my mind. I felt Kagami grip my shoulder, I looked up and saw him pointing at someone. I stood up and saw a person standing a few meters away from us. I picked a kunai and kept it hurdling in my finger. "What do you want?" I asked, the unknown person smirked at us, the cape he wore hid most of his features. "You are interfering with our jobs, leaf nin." I growled, he knew we were from Konohagakure. I activated my sharingan and saw his chakra was concentrated specially in his feet, I wasn't sure if he was able to manipulate the terrain. I unsheathed my blade, I was going to rely on kenjutsu for now, I needed a vast amount of chakra if I wanted to use my Mangekyou without it completely draining my energy. Kagami activated his sharingan as we'll, but started with a huge fireball. "Since when can you cast those fireballs?" I nudged Kagami who sent me a small smile, "practicing, sensei." He ran and threw several shuriken at the target's blind spots. Meanwhile I ran at the nin and threw my blade, right to his head.

The ninja had avoided Kagami's shuriken but right as he countered my attack, he looked at me. "Sh-sharingan?" I saw the fear take over his now opaque orbs, I smirked and he fell on his knees. "What was your job exactly?" His eyes moved around, trying to stop the hallucination he was in, but it was going to be impossible for him. He opened his mouth but no words came out. "Answer." A small drool fell from the corners of his lips. "War, that is the job." I kicked his jaw and fell face on the ground. I was going to let him suffer for a little longer.

I heard a few clashes, I looked back to see Kagami fighting with other shinobi, he had defeated two by now. I grabbed a kunai and threw it at the remaining shinobi's head. Bullseye. "Sensei! Did you get something from him?" We turned to look at the agonizing nin who squirmed on the ground. "War. That was their job." I crouched next to him and looked for his village insignia. "They are from Sunagakure, sensei." Kagami said, tugging the headband from the nin's pocket.

"Kai" The nin opened his eyes and looked around, scared. "You're no longer under my genjutsu." I said, I took a few steps closer to him, pointing the tip of my kunai to his throat. "Why war?" I asked, Kagami stood behind me with a kunai in his grip as well. "The Kazekage knows this good village is just a façade, so he set various villages up to reveal their true interests." He said. I pressed the kunai, piercing his skin. "A-and, and, he sent scrolls, we had to recreate scrolls from other villages." I released the pressure on his neck, he sighed in relief. "But it looks like we won. Other villages have already attacked, I hope your little journey wasn't in vain." He grinned and I didn't hesitate in cutting his head off. "Sensei." Kagami said with a low voice. The terrain turned back to normal, I kicked the dead nin's body and ran to Akari-san's direction.

"You took your time!" She said preparing herself for the long trip ahead of us. "Sorry, Akari-san, we need to get to Konoha as quickly as possible!"

—Time skip —

We had flown for a few hours, the sand nin was right. We spotted a few dead bodies below us. "Sensei, do you think we will make it on time?" Kagami's sad eyes were starting to turn glassy, he looked back down to see more and more bodies surrounded by blood. "I hope so. They can take care of each other right? We're a strong village, Kagami." I rested my hand on his shoulder. He let out a sigh and looked back up.

"Almost there." I heard Akari-san say, I stretched my body and got ready to jump down. "Tsukiko, you sure you want to ju-" I didn't let Akari-san finish, I was already on the ground. Kagami jumped after me and we ran to the village. It looked a bit peaceful, had we made it in time? I kept looking around for a sign of abnormality, I felt my chest open a little from the relief I felt at the moment. "Kagami, go alert the shinobi, i'll tell the Hokage" I told him before we went our separate ways. I kept running, not caring about the puzzled glances the villagers had. I reached Hashirama's office and knocked repeatedly.

"Tsukiko?" He said with a loud voice, widening his eyes. He didn't think i'd be back this quick. "Hashirama, I need to talk to you." He nodded and closed the door behind me. I took this chance to look around the room, searching for Tobirama and suspicious activity. "Tobirama is in..." I took out the two scrolls and placed them over his table, I noticed I startled him with my sudden movements. He decided not to tell me about Tobirama, the scrolls were the most important subject at the moment. "The Raikage gave them to us. I don't think we have time for me to explain everything, but I can assure these are real."

Hashirama opened the first one carefully, just in case. He read its contents slowly, letting out a few sighs and growls in between. I had to be patient, I didn't want to disturb his reading, but I felt really curious about what the Raikage was telling Hashirama. He glanced at me, half his face still hiding behind the scroll. I arched an eyebrow and he lowered his sight again. "I don't know why the Kazekage would do that." He said with a sad tone in his voice, he closed the scroll and took the other one. He widened his eyes when he opened it completely, there were two objects sealed. I saw Hashirama cast the hand signs needed.

"Very intelligent, he knew I wouldn't trust his words." I tried to peak over the scroll, I didn't know what the objects were, and just about I was going to take a look he sealed them again. I scoffed at Hashirama who just sent me a playful glance. "We saw various bodies laying around the vicinity. Dead bodies." I said while pacing around his office, I kept fidgeting, I was eager to see Tobirama but also to see how all this would develop. Was there a possible reconciliation between villages? Or maybe it's too late...

I heard a few knocks on his door, I stood up and as I walked across to open the door Tobirama blasted in. He looked at me and I had never seen his eyes glow this much, it was like the dark ruby turned into a light pink, I saw his cheeks turn into a deep pink and his lips quivered. He slammed the door shut and hugged me, his strong grip hurting my back, but at this moment I didn't care. I felt his warm breath touch my ear, he was still panting. I sank my fingertips on his back and pressed my nose between his pectorals. Evidently, we both didn't care Hashirama was there, staring. We pulled away from our hug and kissed passionately, until we heard Hashirama cough.

"Sorry, brother." I stood next to Tobirama, a big smile plastered on my face. "Was there something you needed to tell me?" He inquired, making Tobirama scratch the back of his neck in nervousness. "Right, there are still no reports from nearby attacks. They are still far, apparently." I looked up at him and then back at Hashirama. "I saw a pile of bodies near the west entrance, did you check there?" I asked to which Tobirama nodded. "We checked everywhere." I hummed and took a seat on Hashirama's comfortable sofa. Was this some type of surprise attack or something? There was no explanation to the disappearance of those bodies.

Just as we were about to walk outside a loud explosion was heard. We ran at Hashirama's window to look. "1...5...10...25 nin are coming in from the East." Tobirama stood up, I nodded at him and jumped out. I saw Kagami run, guiding a few villagers to a safe place. "Kagami!" I yelled from the distance, he came running and met with us. "Kagami, gather the teams. We will meet here in five minutes." Hashirama ordered as he put on his armor. I looked around, I felt my eyes sting a little. I felt Tobirama take my hand and squeeze it slowly, he placed his chin on top of my head. I sighed into his chest, taking in his scent, feeling his touch.

What if this is the last time...

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