Chapter XVII

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Both Tobirama and my team had been practicing non stop. They sparred against each other, testing the new jutsu they had learned and honing their skills even more. Danzo and Hiruzen spent all day hating on each other—Danzo more than Hiruzen, of course. One time I actually had to put Danzo under a genjutsu, something I never thought i'd do.

"You always have to be the perfect shinobi, with your so-called special clan jutsu. Learn to fight Hiruzen!" I saw Danzo pinning down Hiruzen to the ground. Tobirama ran to his student's aid but I stopped him. "They need to fix whatever they have going on, Tobirama." He clenched his fists and waited to see if Hiruzen could counterattack. The two shinobi's rivalry was an obstacle for teamwork, Tobirama's students would go to Hiruzen's side along with Kagami and Torifu, so this alliance was very important to all of us.

We saw Hiruzen slide through Danzo's legs and kick him. "Come on Danzo! You have special jutsu too! All of us have!" He tried to stop Danzo's wrath but it was futile. Danzo kept sending air blasts at Hiruzen which he avoided easily, Tobirama had taught him well. It made me think if I was doing a good job.

After a few hours, they both laid on the floor, almost no chakra left. "Are you done?" I said looking down on both shinobi. "Because if you are, we can now start training as a real team, and one of you is going to be the leader in case Tobirama and I are not available. I don't care who is, the only thing we wish is that you all act as a team, despite your differences." Both shinobi glanced at each other, Hiruzen nodded with a determinant face, Danzo on the other hand looked away and furrowed his brows. "Fine" they said in unison.

—Time skip—

"Are you hungry?" Tobirama asked looking around for a good place to stop and eat. He was hungry himself but he wasn't going to accept it. "I am, let's get some ramen." He nodded and walked to another street that led us there. "Tobirama! Tsukiko!" I saw Hashirama from a distance, accompanied by a red haired woman. So this is the infamous Uzumaki Mito, huh? Her long silky kimono shone as a source of light itself. Her red shiny hair placed into two buns and her dangling earrings framing her face, she was beautiful. "Brother." Tobirama only bowed to Mito. "Right, she is Uzumaki Mito, we were just talking a walk. This is my brother and...her...partner Tsukiko." Hashirama couldn't pinpoint what we were, it was obvious we liked and loved each other but we really didn't have a name tag. I bowed trying to hold a giggle at Hashirama's struggle. "Nice to meet you, Mito-san." Tobirama scratched his forehead and looked away, feeling a little angry at his brother for taking so long to decipher our relationship. "Were are you headed?" We both looked around to our ramen spot but didn't seem to find it. "I think were in the wrong street" I let out a laugh and cringed to Tobirama's arm. We didn't want to interrupt their bonding time. "I think so, well, we'll go back home." I nodded and bowed again, only to be stopped by Hashirama's invitation to dinner. "You can't say no, right? I want to get to know you both! I've heard great things!" Could we really say no to Mito? We were already sitting at the ramen place, at least we get to eat what we intended in the first place.

We spent the whole night laughing, Mito was really smart and funny. I think they're both perfect for each other. We stood up and said our goodbyes and headed home. "I think she's going to be good for my brother." I arched a brow at Tobirama's comment. "Well, they like each other, it's obvious. When you say it like that sounds like it's just a commitment between clans, Tobirama, and I don't think those two are that." He tilted his head, thinking about what I said and finally nodded. "Like you and me." I looked up at him, he had a visible smile, his red orbs shinning brighter as ever. I hugged his side and kept walking.

A few meters ahead, we saw a small paper fall, weightless as a feather. I felt Tobirama throw me behind him and cover me. We were sent flying a few meters back, someone had thrown an explosive tag and we were the lucky ones to catch it.

"Tsukiko! Are you alright?" The explosion had messed up with my hearing and vision for a while, I felt my body pound, I tried to look around for someone but I couldn't even make out Tobirama's position. I tried to nod but my head hurt every time I moved it. "Shit." I mumbled, grabbing Tobirama's arms to see if he was okay, he had protected me so it was likely he had suffered more. "I'm okay, i'm alright. I didn't see anyone. They hid their chakra signature, I can't detect them." I clenched my fists and tried to open my eyes slowly, giving them time to adjust once again. "We should tell Hashirama." I held on to Tobirama who shunshinned to his brother's house.

"I heard it! How are you?" Hashirama came running the moment we arrived inside, Tobirama laid me carefully on the couch. "We're okay. Any news?" Hashirama looked into the pile of papers he had hanging around his desk, until he found a report of an unknown person that had entered the village to look for a place to stay. The shinobi at the gates didn't see him leave the village, but couldn't find him inside either. "Its like the person came in and disappeared, right?" I asked trying to think of something. Hashirama nodded and threw the paper back at the pile, he held his hand close to his mouth, trying to calm himself down. His village was in danger and it was something he couldn't let happen. "Brother, we will help, don't worry. Konoha is going to be okay." Tobirama rested his hand on Hashirama's shoulder, giving him the reassurance we all needed as well.

I stood up from the sofa feeling a little better when someone knocked on the door. "Hokage-sama, this came in from Sunagakure." The shinobi stood there, waiting for Hashirama to finish reading the scroll. "Their village has been attacked by Kumogakure." Another shinobi came running and delivered another scroll, this time coming from the Raikage itself. Hashirama took the other scroll and read it. "Apparently they're declaring war, to all nations." Hashirama sat on his chair with a loud thud. "Hokage-sama?" The two shinobi asked, waiting for his orders. After a few minutes, Hashirama looked at Tobirama and I, who stood in front of him. 

"Tell the shinobi to prepare themselves, as of now, we are at war."

Tiny chapter this time, soooo sorry! What do you think is going to happen? Will they survive?

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