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3rd Pov:

Someone has thrown, with an amazing aim, a snowball that landed right on Kelsey's head. She turned sharply to witness who did it, picking up some snow and shaping into a ball in the meantime. She noticed Katy smirking at her with another snowball in her hand.

"Sorry Kelsey." She called "That was meant for your brother!"

Brody, who was next to Kelsey this whole time, stuck his tongue out at her "Umm excuse me, you would never be able to hit me."

"Are you challenging me?" Katy took a step forward, probably to improve her aim and Brody backed away slightly.

"Maybe." Brody was holding in laughter and was staring behind Katy, Kelsey raised an eyebrow and looked in the same direction. Gray was there, not really trying to be sneaky, holding a bunch of snow over Katy's head. He dropped it and Katy instantly let go of her snowball, which splattered on the ground.

"GRAY YOU DICK!" She shouted as Gray scurried his way over to Kelsey and Brody. Katy wiped some snow of her face glared at Kelsey, but more through Kelsey, at Gray who was hiding behind them. Brody and Gray were in a fit of giggles by now and Kelsey was supressing a smile. She went and patted Katy's shoulder.

"You'll get them later. Let's find Carter and ambush him with snow, that might make you feel better." Kelsey offered and Katy send her a small smile.

"I wanna go too." Brody whined and Gray came up from undercover and raised his hand.

"Me too."

"Recess is almost over though." Katy hung her head in frustration.

"Let's make the most of it then." Kelsey insisted then turned her head to face her brother and Gray "If you want to help, then make some snowballs"

Gray nodded and started doing so, followed by Brody who dropped himself on the ground, scooping up snow and rolling it about in the snow. After a few minutes, they had around 50 snowballs all in one pile. They had to re start at some point because a few 4th graders ruined them on purpose.
They searched for Carter around the playground, knowing they only had a few minutes of their break left before they needed to head back indoors. They eventually found him, sitting on a bench glaring at his phone, grinning like mad constantly. Katy threw one first, when they were a few metres away from him, the only reason he didn't spot them was because he was so focused on his phone. Well until he woke up with a snowball in the face.

"Oi! What the fuck guys?" He inquired angrily, finally glancing up. By this time each of them had some snow in their clutches and they soon re created a war scene but instead of weapons they had icy, cold snow. And it was 4 against 1 so it wasn't exactly fair.

"My Monday officially got better now." Brody laughed.

"OK enough!" Carter stood up abruptly "I have to show you something you guys."

"What now Carter?" Katy groaned and Carter rolled his eyes.

"Just listen. Actually, where's the crazy one? And the wimp?"

Kelsey flipped him off, something Gray explained to her and Brody in 2nd grade, and Gray did the same. Hey, quantity over quality.
"Tyler went to the bathroom inside and Penny is talking with someone over there." Kelsey pointed where Penny was sitting next to bloody-nosed girl, talking to her. Penny was nice to all of them so they welcomed her into their group even though she was sometimes behaving weirdly, coming up with phrases like 'Goodbye future slaves." But by now they got used to it.

"Then go get them. God." Carter shook his head arrogantly "You guys are stupid." Brody was about to reply with something along the lines that he was in fact stupider than all of them according to his test results from last week but didn't manage too because the bell rung.

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