Happy Birthday!

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3rd Pov :

Katy watched her dad set up the birthday banners across the room, having to  stand on a small stool while doing so, and accidently fall after losing his balance.  He wasn't that high up, so Katy knew he couldn't have really gotten too hurt besides a bruise or two. She giggled slightly as steadied himself up and he glared at her, in mock fury.

"Yes, really funny Katy. Now I probably have a bruise on my arm because I was trying to hard to hang up your banner." He folded his arms but started to laugh along with Katy afterwards. From the looks of it, Stan has done a decent job, even though he almost tore it all down when he collapsed.
He dropped himself next to her on the couch and peeked at what she was reading.

"Put that book down for a minute." Stan stated and gripped the book before snatching out of Katy's hands with small pouts and protests "It's your birthday honey, I don't want you isolating yourself today."  Katy rolled her eyes but smiled and hugged her dad's arm.

"Right, I better start decorating again. I told everyone to start coming at around 4 but knowing those assholes, they'll probably just in earlier  to annoy me." His statement turned into a mutter and he seized the plastic bag of balloons that lay next to her before starting to inflate them. Following Katy's orders, Stan and Kyle have bought multi coloured everything.

"I don't want it to be too pink and sparkly." She had said "But I don't want the decorations to be dark coloured either."

There were stomps down the stairs and Katy craned her neck to look, Stan did too but he kind of forgot he was blowing on a yellow balloon and it ended up blowing back in his face. Katy chuckled before dragging her attention to Kyle who just came into the living room.

He stopped dead in his tracks to see a half decorated room  and Stan with spit all over his face, trying to wipe it off "What did I just walk into?"

"Dad is deco-" A sudden pop and Katy yelps, hiding behind her book as she glanced her father, who had popped the balloon he was trying inflate and now had bits of rubber on his face.

Stan raised his eyebrows for a second then looked at Kyle "Do you want to take it from here?"

"I'll help you." Kyle corrected  before kissing the top of Katy's nose and then Stan softly on the lips. He then looked around the room and noticed the fallen stool on the ground "You fell, didn't you Stan?"

Katy nodded "Yeah, he put up that big banner and fell because he wasn't standing completely still."

Kyle turned to Stan "You OK?"

Stan grinned "Sure I am. Even if I wasn't, you'd nurse me right back to health, wouldn't you love?" Kyle's face flushed and he huffed before pulling his hat over his head. Katy hugged him and Stan pulled the hat off his head.

"I love you." He said and kissed him again.

"I guess, I love you too. When you don't act like an idiot." Kyle gushed and smiled back at Stan. He turned to Katy who was just watching them and said  "You have a bath to take Katy."

She groaned "But I don't wanna."

"You want be clean and not look like you've slept in the garbage bin last night at your party, right?" Kyle raised a brow "Stan, do me a favour and go sort out the temperature of the water for her."

"Kyle, honey, she's showing me the puppy eyes-"

"If you go sort out the bath for her we can have some adult fun tonight."


"Daddy nooooooooooo"

"Sorry sweetheart, papa says you have to have your bath."

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