Stick Of Truth

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3rd Pov :

"Hey Buttercup? Do we have any lipstick by chance?" Kelsey could hear her father clearly from her and Brody's bedroom, stomping down the stairs and up again.

"Didn't you buy two makeup sets when we went shopping for this?" Leo called back and at this point, Kelsey and Brody, who were on their phones up until now, stood up and followed the noise outside in the hall.
The didn't say anything as their parents continued their conversation.

"Yeah but I can't find them." Kenny replied before going down the stairs once again, the twins going after him.

Arriving in the living room, both Kelsey and Brody almost fell over laughing. Kenny was wearing a long, silky purple dress with sequins along with matching, ballet shoes. He had a braided, blonde wig on his head and a fair amount of make up on. He even had a purple and pink purse.

Leo was a bit of a different matter, Kelsey cleverly observed. He wasn't dressed as a lady, he had a golden 'crown' around his head, with a sparkly fake ruby on it. He had a turquoise cape around his neck and down his back, golden gloves and what seemed like a yellow shield on his shirt. He was holding a hammer, the kind Kenny used when something was broken in the house and he pretended to know how to fix it. Before calling Stan over.

"I like your new style dad." Brody cheeked, which resulted in him getting a purse thrown at his head.

"Are you guys going to a fashion show or something?" Kelsey enquired.

Brody shrugged "I don't know Kelsey, dad looks like he's going to audition for a Disney Princess role in a film."

Kenny gave him a roll of the eyes and crouched down to be on the same level as them "This is important, alright you two? Me and papa are leaving for a bit and we need you to behave while we are gone?"

"Dad, we need you to behave if you are going out dressed like that." Brody continued making jokes about the whole scenario and Leo started snickering too, Kenny just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright we'll be good." Kelsey re assured him as she elbowed her brother, at the same time she was supressing a smile.

Her father gave both of them a kiss on the head and grabbed Leo's hand before dragging him outside and closing the door.

"Are they gone?" Brody asked and Kelsey craned her neck to check before nodding her head vehemently.

Brody smirked and walked briskly outside in their front yard, bringing a plastic chair with him. He placed it in front of the gate, opposite to their house and climbed on it. He looked over the gate itself and by now Kelsey joined him, glaring down below at the five of their friends.

"You coming or not?" Brody scrunched up his nose.

"We can't, the gate's too big." Gray pointed out before Kelsey gave a sigh and jumped off the plastic chair the stood on. She hauled it over her head and passed it down on the other side, presumably, hitting someone in the head since there was a small thud and whine.

"You should've caught that Carter." Katy's voice could be heard as Gray started climbing over the gate.

"I don't need to be lectured by a ginger."

"Oh my God, fuck you."


After all of them have safely clambered over the the top of the wooden fence protecting the backyard, they head headed back indoors to play some video games in the twins' room. Having lost each round of Mario Kart by now, Carter was getting really upset and started having a meltdown because he believed Tyler cheated the whole time.

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