Hells Pass Hospital

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Penny's POV:

Hells Pass Hospital hasn't changed at all since it has been built. My parents' generation had this thing standing when they were kids and it hasn't crumbled down to pieces at all. Same old, grey building as before with the lettering of : Hells Pass Hospital in red capitals. It has countless windows and a very basic entrance which makes it seem as though it had been crafted in Minecraft or something.

It's the middle of winter so a thick layer snow soon appeared everywhere as it normally does in Colorado and South Park specifically. Sure, it was sunny outside and we get to enjoy a really clear, blue sky today but the snow remains cold and there is a bit of a breeze around, so that would explain why I'm wearing a small, leather jacket. I get sick very easily so I don't want to end up in the hospital too, with a flu or anything.

You're probably wondering why in the name of Satan we are even here in the first place, huh?

I'll tell you. Though, I don't know the details.

My parents are with me, just behind actually and seem to be mulling over something. I instinctively step forward and keep on going until I reach the door, with my dads closely behind as I could hear them rustling in the back. We've gotten here by car since we live further away from the hospital so I'm a little loopy right now. Car sickness really is horrible.

I push open the see-through glass doors with all of my force (which isn't much since I'm a scrawny right year old still) and keep it wedged open until my parents get in.

Ah, the waiting room.

Smells all fussy in here. Stale and closed off air. There are plenty of windows but they're all shut for some reason. Pretty basic place, the kind you would find in any facility like the dentist or something. A couple of chairs and and registry desk, with an old lady behind it. She looks to be maybe in her late seventies and has short, fluffy, grey hair that hangs all the way to her shoulders and wears owlish, round glasses that are a peach colour. I only spot it when I walk even closer but she has a nice, purple dress on her.

"Hello dears." She greets, nodding to my parents and me. She has a slight accent that indicates she's from the South somewhere "What can I do for you?"

My dad opens his mouth but I interrupt and say "We've come to visit Gray Tucker and Tyler Black. They have been brought here recently."

That's right. I don't know how and I don't know when, but Gray and Tyler manages to get themselves hurt enough to be sent to the hospital. Again, I have no idea how it happened.

The lady 'ah's for a split second before checking a big clipboard she has laying on her desk. Weirdly enough, she has a computer right in front of her but like most old-fashioned adults, she probably just prefers old methods they used. After a bit of her looking, she raises her head and smiles obviously at us "Yes of course. Gray Tucker and Tyler Black. They are both in the same room on the second floor, room 214."

I thank her swiftly and hurriedly drag my parents towards the elevator. They are slowing down because they keep whispering to each other in hushed voices.


I heave them in, which is a lot of work considering one of them is a God practically, and scurry myself I'm too. Papa presses a button for the second floor and we wait. You can feel the elevator lifting up and it's not exactly the most am amazing experience. It makes you feel like all the organs inside of you turned to jelly and I had to grasp on that bar every elevator has. When the intimating doors split after a few seconds of torture, I instantly sprint out to find the room but freeze mid-way when I hear my dads calling me and telling me to wait up for them.

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