TP That House! Pt. 2

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3rd Pov:

It was as if everyone had forgotten about their little act of vandalism yesterday, his friends didn't talk about it so Tylor didn't. The one thing he noticed was that Ms. Albeit hadn't showed up to school the next day and Tylor felt even more guilty. He didn't know if people could read it on his face but he was seriously thinking that he should go confess to the headteacher, Mr. Yust, about their shenanigans.

Or go to the church to get forgiveness from father Max.

"Why the sad face?" Katy question at break time, peering at him weirdly as he munched his crisps.

"Nothing." He muttered back and everyone shrugged before going back at talking about tomorrow. Halloween.

Hooray. His friends had planned out everything, costumes, the route, method they were going to say 'Trick or Treat' (because it matters) and even their baskets. Carter had literally forced them to come dressed up as suicide squad because he has an unhealthy obsession with that film and they all ruefully agreed even though Gray, Brody and Kelsey protested because they wanted to come as Marvel superheroes. Carter  ignored  their pleas and here they are.

Tyler felt sick to the stomach, the knot in his belly only tightening more when he heard the boom box at the corner of the classroom. Mr. Yust's voice ringing throughout the whole school now.

"Will Carter Cartman, Kelsey and Brody Mccormick, Gray Tucker, Tyler Black, Katy Marsh and Penny Thorn come to the principle's office please."

Tyler's heart leaped and his lip trembled, tears swelled up in his eyes and he had to wipe them away before the others saw. They didn't. They were whispering to each other as they stood up from their desks and exited the room, Tyler behind them with shaky legs, not even trying to catch up with them. This was it. Mr. Yust obviously knew it was them, they are going to get expelled and Tyler won't be able to go to Art school or learn proper sewing and his parents will disown him and he's gonna live under a bridge, eating nothing but corners of bread and-

"Tyler, get your whiny ass over here." Carter hissed once the head teacher's room came into view. Tyler reluctantly did so, keeping his head down "If Mr. Yust asks, tell him the story we made up."

"What's that?" Tyler enquired, uninterested.

Gray took over the conversation "We were in Stark's Pond last evening when this happened and then went home. Lying isn't always a good thing but it's always useful."

Tyler sighed rubbing his eyes "Guys, I don't want to lie. I'm bad at lying, Mr. Yust will see right through me."

"Of course you'll lie, if you don't..." Carter paused for dramatic effect "We'll take you out."

"Bullshit." Brody spat and grasped Tyler's sleeve "If not for your sake Tyler, then please lie for us. My dad is already mad enough at me with that detention I got last week, please."

"Fine, fine." Tyler gave up and wrenched his arm free "Whatever, if this gets me into trouble, you'll all have it with me."

"Cross my heart." Kelsey and Katy said in unison while Penny nodded gleefully.

With that said and done, they all sat patiently outside the office, occasionally repeating the story but overall silence corrupted them and they waited patiently.  Finally, after what seemed like hours on end, the office door creaked open and out came Mr. Yust, his expression stern and his arms folded. He was quite old, but he didn't look it. He had wrinkles and a bald head but other than that, anyone who doesn't know him would have thought he's in his forties.

"Katy Marsh, I would like to talk with first." He announced and Katy jumped off her stool before heading inside the office. Mr. Yust eyed them suspiciously before going in after her and Carter repeated the plan as soon as the door was shut.

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