Were it all began🤗

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Y/m -- your mom 

Y/d -- your dad 

Your in your room like always you don't like being around your family too much because it just makes you feel worthless to see them happy and your not you are a bad kid and are very talented you love to rap it's the only way you could talk about your feelings 

Y/m - y/n come down stairs the food is ready 

Y/n - coming give me a second 

*at the dinner table* 

Y/d - so y/n why are so quiet your always talking but when it's time for a real conversation your quiet 

Y/m - stop can't we ever just have a normal dinner without you two being stupid 

Y/n - what the fuck I didn't say Shit  

Y/m - don't say that 

Y/n - what ever in done 

You walk away and lock your room and start smoking a blunt (your 14 years old)

Your mom comes in a takes the blunt and throws it out the window

Y/n - what the he'll 

Y/m - you live under my roof you live under my rules if u don't like it then leave 

Y/n - watch one day I will I will do bigger things and you'll remember this day 

Y/m - I know that's a lie you'd never leave us 

Y/n - don't get your hopes up mom you'll see one day ima go to Brandon's house 

Y/m - who's that 

Y/n - wow that really shows how involved you are in my life he's my boyfriend for 3 years mom 

You leave and you don't have licence but you know how to drive so you have car already and drive to Brandon's house your crying but force yourself to stop since you don't like people seeing your emotions 

*at Brandon's house * 

You knock on his door and he opens and hugs you so tight his hugs are the best 

Brandon- it's okay what happend

Y/n - nothing 

Brandon- please tell me I'll make it better 

Y/n - I don't think you can 

Brandon- I could at least try 


You explain and he tells you it's all alright you cry and he loves you so he cries with you then you look at each other and laugh 

Brandon- I'm so dramatic 

Y/n - same I think it's contagious 

You both laugh and spend the night talking about litterlly random things then he asked you a question

Brandon - y/n?

Y/n-yes b 

Brandon - what if you ran away 

Y/n - I've thought about it and I actually have a house I bought online but the only thing really keeping me here is you b 

Brandon- oh....what if I went with you 

Y/n - What no Brandon I can't do that to you take you from your family and friends 

Brandon - but I wanna run away too 

Y/n -are you fr b 

Brandon - yes 100 percent for real 

Y/N-okay ....wait when 

Brandon- how bout tomorrow we pack all and leave Thursday 

*it's tuesday* 

Brandon-is that good 

Y/N-OKAY in really happy 

Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now