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J-I have to go I need to do something bye

a-jen no I need to know 

re-alex? my names reyna im guessing your last names guzman 


re-mine is too my mommy said its because she gave me my daddy's last name 

j-reyna plz don't not now lets go 

re- this is a picture my mommy gave me it has you in it 

j- reyna stop lets go 

re- and this pink envelope belongs to you my mommy gave it to me but I want to give it to you *gives him envelope*

a-thank you reyna 

re-your welcome 

a-whats in the envelope 

j- its the test results during the trip...I umm I did a DNA test *starts to cry* im sorry alex I was scared I didn't know how to tell you 

Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now