brandons day

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okay so this is brandons POV this whole chapter will be all about brandon okay?okay.


brandons thoughts- im gonna spend the day with my family I haven't seen them in a while a long time idk how but I feel like obviously I love them but I have other people in my life that I haven't really had time to miss them or think about them really 

Brandons mom= m 

brandons brother lance-L

brandons lil brother gavin-Ga 

brandons dad- Da

m-hey baby I've missed you *hugs brandon*idk why you left me baby why ive missed you I have finally found you plz come back 

b-mom calm down okay did you know I do youtube now I have lots of people who support me 

Ga-where are you living ?

b-that's not a problem I live in a house with jen 

da-oh so you two are still dating ?

b-umm well noo yess idk really and last time I tried to find out she lost her memory for like a day soo I let her come to me 

L-how long has it been since you've asked her 

B-few days 

Da-is there other guys in her life 

b-yea there is this other guy his names alex and he likes jen I could tell and ik jen likes him too but I could also see that she loves me too and I love her and im gonna get her 

m-that's my boy lets go somewhere 


m-shop duhhh 

hours pass and brandons alone with lance 

L-hey brandon I was thinking 

b-wass up 

L-maybe its better know jen moves on 


L-I mean you guys dated for a while and I looked at her today she's different now maybe you should let her go 

B-why tho?

L-you guys broke up for a reason maybe its meant to stay like that your friendship looks good don't try to fix whats not broken 

B-ill take it to thinking but thx luv you bro *hugs lance*

L-*hugs back* also why'd you leave brandon like ...why 

B-truth is I wanted a fresh start you know I wanted to be in control of me I wanted to do things on my own mom and dad treated me like a little kid and I saw how misreble jen was I knew she was thinking of leaving one day and I wanted to be apart of that big step with her

L-I like that answer *smile*


*at hotel*-jens mental breakdown 

j- omg omg omg I just saw my mom I just saw my dad my little sister I didn't say a word im such an idiot my little sister must hate me they all hate me or do they what if like they miss me oh do I miss them no what am I talking about I don't they were holding me back but they are still my family do I love them or not answer is no is that really an answer maybe I should come up with a reasoning 

c-jen stop pacing okay it okay if you want we could go back so you could talk to them 

j-what about our friends 

c-well we'll be gone for what an hour or two 

j-okay then 


c-ughh it took forever to find this parking who knew  vegas was so crowded 

j-everyone who's ever fucking lived..dumbass 

c-yo wass up with the switch up 

j-im sorry im scared like I look talk act different what if like my sister doesn't even reconise me above it all my parents *starts to cry* I just don't want to get hurt by my family again 

c-*cuffs jens cheeks*their gonna love you and if they don't then fuck em just know I love you.....and um everyone know 

j-*laughs* your blushing 

c-yo chill im not  buut LETS DIP!!

j-yea LETS DIP okay seriously lets go 



j-yes carlitos 

c-I wanna stop right here okay ima tell you something like fr fr 

j-what happened is it good or bad 


j-on what 

c-what you say 

j-okay then what do you "need" to tell me 

c-I like you like, like like you 

j-oh im thirsty are you thirsty how bout a slushie or hot chocolate you know what desi was right that is a tough decision...LETS GET BOTH!!*smiles*

c-*laughs*okay jen lets go get some 


J-*eating her slushie* thx for coming carlos 

c-no problem I want you to be happy 

j-*fake smiles* 

c-whats wrong 


c-that that little fake ass smile you made 

J-I like you like,like like you 


j-yea I do 

c-what about brandon what about alex 

j-I love them I do I just don't think its in that way anymore idk 




j-can you not be such a carlos and say something heart warming and loving ...damn 

c-I love you 

j-I love you too 

c-well then be my girl friend 

j-that's tuff what are willing to do for that to officially happen 

c-anything you say

10 minutes later 

carlos is in only boxers in the janators closet at the child care center in the mall with jen 

c-jen plz something else I am NOT going to run is boxers in a room filled with little kids that would fuck up a kid for life 

j-you said you'd do ANYTHING 

c-fine you see this is how much I love you 

j-*kisses carlos with a peck* I love you too now hurry run on 3 and don't forget to say the words  1....2....3

as soon as you say 3 carlos runs out in front of all the little 4 year olds and babysitters saying 

c- I JUST GOT LAID !!!!!

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