that's not me is it ??!

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j-may I ask what happened to me I mean your all obviously apart of my life but why cant I remember?

c-yea alex and brandon you want to tell her why she cant remember anything hm

b-you just got hurt ok I know how to bring you back but first alex tell her who you are 

a-ok jen its alex*grabs your hand* your my world your everything ive ever wanted in a girl I love you with everything and im here for you forgive me plz

j- I forgive you I don't know what you did but your forgivine

h- I actually don't like this jen shes too nice *cries* I want the real jen back 

b-last of all me im brandon jen I grew up with your grumpy crazy ass and you mean everything to me we dated and I fucked up but im making it up to you ima get your memory back like this *gets up*

c-brandon what are you doing 

B- were going through this box 

a-her memory box 

b-yea I know every story of everything in here for sure I am sooo serious rn c'mon

j-what is that its pretty whats inside 

b-everything about your life *opens box* lets start with this *pulls out a broken bracelet*

h-wtf is that trash 

b-it doesn't look like much jen this is your grandma nelly's okay she died when you were 8 and this is the bracelet you made for her when you were 4 you took it off her body when they buried her 

j-that's sweet 

b-*pulls out science note book* desi wanna tell her About this 

de-OMG!!*snatched the book*jen you kept it omg omg this is the notebook we wrote in when we first met aww look it says our bestie ship name jesiree 

b-*pulls out wax pen*

a-wtf jen you smoke 


b-this is the first thing you ever smoked I was with when you did it jen you kept this as a reminder that getting high isn't the only way to be happy in life 

b-*pulls out sun glasses* diego wanna explain 

d-damn jen we met at the mall you were trying on glasses and I told you those looked better on you after that we hung out I didn't think you actually went back to get them

j- I did am I this good at keeping secrets!?

b-*pulls out piece of paper* hailey you wanna remind her about this 

H-*snatched paper* jen omg when we met I gave you this piece og paper has my number name and address I did not know you kept it 

b-*pulls out poster*gio explain

J-*reads poster* lo-ok u-uup

g-you kept that like fuck this is the poster I asked you out with 

b-*pulls out scrunchey * carlos this is yours 

c-yoooo jen how I met you was I randomly came up to you and asked you to put my hair in a bun at a restraunt you did it I instantly knew that I fw you 


b-*pulls out a book*alex here 

a-on god that is not what I think it is jen 

h-what is it 

A-*opens book*its print outs of our texts throughout our friendship *cries*

a-look the first messages that started it all I wish you could remember 

j-oh yea you were a fucking flirt I swear you were somthin else guzman 

de-wait jen you remember 

j-omg yea I remember oh my god I love you all so much thank you 

b-yes I knew this would work lets stop now 

j-no b its time I stop lying to all of you even brandon theres a small place under the inside bottom of the box 

b-here *holds up 5 tapes and a pack of bloody blades* 

a-are those blades 

j-yea *deep breathe*and the tapes ive made one every year since I was 10

b-are we gonna hea them 

j-if you want we can ive never really replayed them after recording them so 


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