Too long 😒☺😢

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??- oh I'm......your sister zoe remember you I miss you we never really talked when you were home I knew nothing about you 

Y/n - um  I think you have the wrong number I have no sister byee

Zoe - please y/n don't do that I see you hate us but please 

Y/n- i  already told you I have no sister no siblings in fact no family I ONLY HAVE MYSELF AND FRIENDS THAT ARE LIKE MY FAMILY SO QUIT SAYING THAT I'M HAVE NO ONE 

Zoe - please y/n I NEED MY BIG SISTER 

A tear fell down you remember the note you wrote you family you told them you'd forget about them and then this happens really ,as you were thinking Desi comes up to you 

Desi - u good baby who are you talking to everyone's looking at you like your a crazy bitch why are you screaming 

Zoe - hello y/n are you with someone 

Y/n - what's it to you why are you even calling I made it clear on that piece of paper to forget about me 

Zoe - why are you like this 

Y/n - like what successful happy I

Zoe - you could have been happy here with mom and dad 

Y/n - no I couldn't have when I left I felt happier and now I don't have depression I have no cuts lined up on my wrist and I smoke not to get rid of pain but to help me have fun once in awhile leave me alone please 

Zoe - mom misses you 

Y/n - it's been to long for,me to think about that bye Zoe

Zoe - please come back home 

Y/n - no I can't no I mean I don't want to foe the last time bye z

You hang up and look at Desi who was listening the whole time she gives you a death stare and says 

Desi - explain 😑

Y/n - ok but you can't tell no one only Brandon and uhhh........alex know 

Desi - wow so happy I'm not the first 

You explain to her literally your whole life story which you felt took forever you cry and cry and she cries with you and you both are an emotional mess then you hug get up and walk around the mall a little more 

While you were in forever 21 you heard arguing and Desi said 

Desi - let's be noisy bitches 

Y/n - ☺

You follow the arguing voices and make it to we're it is coming from and see who it so you and Desi look at each other In shock when you notice it's Alex and Hailey you zone out then hear 

Hailey - I can't be live it Alex why would you even date me if you like another girl I've already been through this and to think with the same girl as before ughh 

Alex - in sorry you weren't supposed to find out but I do like you 

Hailey - that's not the point you like her TOO ALEX 

Alex- .....

Hailey - ughh I lost Brandon because of her the first time then I lose you because of her and it's not even her fault it's mine 

A tear fell down your cheek as soon as you heard Hailey say that Desi sees you and pulls you away from the area of the arguing 

(BTW you were hiding listening to them they didn't see you )

Desi - you good 

Y/n - damn it's like I'm ruining ona and her love life 

Desi - not on purpose 

Y/n - ik but maybe I should just leave La 

Desi - NO !! Y/n your doing big things your YouTube family is growing and so is your social media you can't quit now please 

Y/n - ik but just for like a month 

Desi - that's to long what would I do without you 

Y/n - how about 2 weeks 

Desi - that's a good amount of time 

Y/n - and I'll take Brandon 

Desi - why?? 

Y/n - I'm thinking of seeing my family down in Arkansas 

Desi - okay why Brandon 

Y/n - so he could see his family too 

Desi - aww that's a good Idea 

Y/n - yea well wanna leave in tired 

As you were walking out the mall with your hands filled with bags someone hugged you so tight from the back you drop all bags and look back and see Hailey crying 

Y/n - oh what happen Hailey 

You already know but she doesn't know you know 

Hailey - Alex and I are so over he has feelings for another girl THIS WHOLE TIME 

y/n - that's tough I'm so sorry 

A tear rolled down your eye 

Hailey - that's not gonna fix it but thank you for always being there for me 

You notice that you haven't been a good friend to Hailey you broke up her and her boyfriend even if it was on accident and was crushing on him when they dated you felt so fake 

Y/n - hey how about this instead of me going with Brandon to Arkansas us out friend group all go to uhh.... where do you wanna go 

Desi / Hailey- VEGAS 

y/n - OKAY!!!WHERE GOING TO VEGAS we will invite CARLOS 

Desi - ok

Y/n - gio 

Hailey - k 

Y/n - Brandon 

Hailey -Umm OKAY? 

Y/n - and Alex and Diego 

Hailey /Desi- .........

Y/n - what 

Desi - do we have to 

Y/n - they are our friends come on and we need to get along look me and Brandon dated and I'm made up with him he's like my bsf you guys need to cut the bullshit and end this piece of Shi t of drama ....

Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now