secret out!! 2

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de-sorry but here I go breathe ok so you know when you and alex smashed during 7 minuets in heaven 

j- can you not say it like that 

de-sorry but you that day 

j-ofc what happened 

de-well ok this is what happened you know once you and alex went upstairs me and diego talked a while then we heard the moaning okay this is were it gets confusing we all started laughing even hailey but brandon he wasn't happy for some reason idk he took hailey into the kitchen I did not think much of it but then they went outside didn't come in for like hours  like 3 mins before you came down hailey rushed in here mad and took her things and left crying brandon came in sat down and told us to act like hailey left awhile ago and that he was there the whole time then you and alex came down and we lied to you *deep breathe* omg the not unraveled plz don't say nothing I beeeeg you plz 

j- I wont but what happened between them and why lie to me brandon never lies to me unless it JUST happened thanks desi I think ima look into it I mean I don't like that brandon thinks he cant tell me things 


*knock knock knock *

b-*opens door* hey !!*hug*

j-hey b*hugs back* can we talk 

b- ofc jen wassup with you are you ok 

j-im fine always am 

b-you've said that so many times never meant it Ik you don't mean it now 

j-im not brandon why did you lie what are you hiding from me its been a week since that t or d game and you still have not tollen me anything 

b- what are you talking about jen 

j-okay ima cut this bullshit okay why the fuck did hailey really leave crying and why the fuck would you lie to me about it ok 


j- details come on b I tell you everything always have since we were 5 I grew up with you I've seen and lived everything with you you were my first everything 

b-that's why jen that's why hailey left 

j- what why ?I don't understand be clearer 

b- I still love you I love you okay you were my first everything okay look at me when I heard you and alex up there I felt jealous and angry that it took me this long to realise I still like you 

j- umm....I cant no hailey I cant do that to her its not fair for her you love hailey 

b-ofc I love hailey shes amazing but shes not my type I don't feel that feeling that feeling like its a forever thing there is such thing as perfect and it you jen 

a-*opens door* DAMN !! you GuyS hahah lets dip theres a pARty At The beAch its an aLlnIGhter !!!

h-sorry he got into the liquor again and I wanna just say you guys are cute together I soo ship *wide smile*


h- seriously I really don't care hes all yours you treat her right brandon she deserves a good guy I wanna make sure she gets it byeeee *leaves*


j-seriously tho Idk what I should do I need time to think you know and I also wanna give alex chance hes a great guy so are you but look there are other girls out there 

b-none worth waiting for which is why im waiting for you *kisses her a peck  *

J-*jaw dropped* you kissed me you are such a lil hoe (playful) but that's why I like you

b- so you like me 

j- I do not not like you *kisses him fast peck* which means I do like you 

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