secret out!!**

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de- I cant I just cant im freaking out is it hot I think it is or maybe its cold or not cold enough idk am I in the mood for a slushie or hot chocolate no no desi one decision at a time wait what was I saying....oh right idkif I should tell you like if I don't I betray you if I do io betray brandon and I don't want to hurt no one

j-ok I just watched you have a small mental breakdown but its fine I don't have to know *puts hand on her shoulder*it ok just breathe you don't have to tell me 

De-No I HAVE to tell you if I don't the big like knot in my stomache will make me feel worse your my bestfriend I need to tell you but first let me see your phone 

j-umm ok?*hands her the phone* 

De-*takes phone*this is for our groups own good *throws it out window*

j- WTH desi what why ?

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