time to tell you

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you drop reyna off at school and get back home you pack for your trip and decide to leave early so your going to pick reyna up early 


re-hey mommy 

j-hey baby how was school

re-I barley did anything since you picked me up 

j-oh well were starting the trip to Nevada we go

re-awww no momma

j-ill get you ice cream if you don't complain the whole way 

re-um...ok fine 

j-ok to the airport 


re-mommy can you put my bag in the storage 

j-yea here *puts the bag away*

re-thank you 


re-hey momma 

j-yea babe 

re-how did you meet my dad 

j-the internet 

re-what really 

j-yea I thought he was a man hoe he was such a flirt but honestly he was a very good person 

re-how was it like mom 


re-being a teenager im almost there mommy how was your teenage experience 

j-what do you want to know 

re-what do you want me to know 

j- I want you to know that I had the most amazing friends 

re-what were their names ?

j-my best was desi she always made me laugh  then hailey omg she was somethin else  diego he was very conforting gio he was very supportive and protecting carlos he was a great listener alex was amazing he was my right hand an di loved him very much but there is one person above them all brandon he was there always there ever since I was little he gave it all for me 

re-did you love him more than alex 

j-at one point but through out time I fell in love with your dad and It took me this long to see it was always meant to be him truth is baby I didn't know who ypour dad was until I got an envelope of the dna results I couldn't just blow his world up he had so much to live for I wanted you and I was afraid if I told him that id get hurt 


J-*kisses her forehead* luv you baby 


after you nland it was around 6 am so you went to a hotel and slept you woke up at 12:19 pm 

j-good morning baby 

re-morning mommy today you talk to the people publishing your book get up hurry 

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