back to reality ...

165 3 2

j- stop stop stop stop  wtf desi I would never run away again and a book writer.... really?

de-im just saying you got potential 

(if you don't understand the last few chapters have just been an explanation on what could happen desi was just explaining now there back to vegas and jen is still pregnant wondering what the HELL she's gonna do)

j-no desi... wait do you think I should leave

de-hell no I cant live without you 

j-same wait a sec what makes you think the baby's alex's 

de-I mean anything can be possible I cant choose between alex and brandon they're both friends 

j-im not making you choose between them....buuuut who do you think would be a more responsible father 

de-jeeen I cant choose 

j-ughh fine.....ok ok hypothetical question say idk you were pregnant and didn't know who the father was you had to choose between 2 guys one you've known since you can remember the other is a person you love dearly but don't know if you can trust anyone of them with that big of a responsibility which would it be

de-I cant answer that jen I really want to but I cant 

j- why not desi you see im so tired of everyone saying they cant when Ik you can plz help me 

de-babe you are strong ok you'd be able to do this with or without anyone and ik it feels like this question or hypothetical question will never get answered but deep down ik it you already have the answer your just too fucken stubborn to get it thru that bootiful big ass head of yours you do whats best for you and that little jen inside you which will one day be named reyna and you'll be an elementary teacher and give a speech about your future book and-

j-chiiill desi chill ok we don't even know the gender yet

de-its a girl and you know it 

j-idk I feel like its a boy 

de-lets bet on it 



j-ok we got ourselves a bet and if I win you take care of the baby after he OR she is born cuz i'll be exuasted

de-awwwww really!!! I literally win either way I love babies 

j-ok then 

de-OMG !!!

j- what ?

de-we should have a gender reveal 


de-yaaaaay but you have to tell alex and brandon first 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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