Alex guzman😍

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The messages///

@blesiv.    Hey 

@babi.y/n.  Hi give me sec let me change your name 

@blesiv.  K same 

                                            Babi.y/n has changed your name to Alex🤤💋❤

                                            @blesiv has changed your name to mami🍑🤤👅

Mami🍑🤤👅     your such a damn flirt 

Alex🤤💋❤    right 

Mami🍑🤤👅  Ima video chat you 

Alex🤤💋❤    ok ofc cutie 😉

  You start to call Alex 

Alex - wass up ba-by

Y/n - hey 

You both talk for hours then someone knocks on your door you walk downstairs still on the phone with Alex then when you open the door Desiree runs and hugs you as she cries on you you tell Alex you'll call him later and hang up 

You get Desiree and lead her to the couch not breaking the hug you sit there and let her cry on you for a while when she's finally calm you ask her if she's alright 

Y/n - hey baby you good what happend 

Desiree - d-d-d-diego ch-ch-cheated on m-me 

Y/n - aw he'll naw his Ass is not getting away with this Shi t without a broken arm leg and if not lucky a fucken concussion 

You get up and pull Desiree up and tell her how it is 

Y/n - baby girl don't be crying if a bitch is stupid enough to cheat then he's stupid enough to think there is no left feelings I know you love him and he loves you too but sometimes it's good to give second chances but sometimes we have to pretend they don't exist you could go back and see why he did it or drop him cause if he did what he did then he really doesn't care I'm sorry love but I gotta be 100 wit chu 💓

Desiree - I love him I really do but why would he do it am I not good eno--

Y/n - Desi don't even your perfect ok don't put yourself down 

Desiree - what did I do wrong 

Y/n - nothing baby he's just stupid you did nothing wrong you know what get up let's go to the mall ima show you that no man will show you love more than your bestie 

Desi - I don't wanna go 

Y/n - pweeeees precious *you say in a baby voice*

Desi - okay fine 

You both get up and get in the car you drive and blast breakup songs you know THANK YOU NEXT BITCH 😣🖕

You get to the mall and shop for hours and you guys eat and have fun as your in the food court you get a call 

                                                         Alex🤤💋❤wants to face time you

                                                                          Accept or decline 

     You accept and his face pops up on your phone 

Alex - hey baby girl 

Y/n - don't call me that 

Alex - why 

Desire - because she belongs to CARLOS 

When Desiree screamed that from next to you Alex heard and looked low-key bothered and surprised 

Alex - who's CARLOS 😑

Y/n - um no one .

Alex - okaaay I was calling to say if you can be my internet bsf you know 

Y/n - ofc I would damn Alex is my ibsf Damn 

Alex - haha a 

Desi - y'all just need to date already 

Alex - no she belongs to carlos 😒 *mocking voice*

Desi - is aLeX gUzmAn jealous of his bsf Carlos 

Y/n, Alex - BEST FRIEND 

Desi- yo CHILL yea why 

Y/n - you know CARLOS Mena 

Alex - yes he da boi you like him 

Y/n - not no mo 

Alex - what why 

Y/n - cuz he had a bitches tongue in his mouth 

Alex - oh you see now I'm understanding that Insta post 

Y/n - yea bout that I should delete it before fans start there assumptions 

Alex - well gtg Henry's crying byeeee 

Y/n - byeeeee

Desi - so is *your ship name with Alex * real 

Y/n - no just friends 



Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now