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THE NEXT DAY *4am* at the airport 

j-ughhh I am soo tired 

a-I have a hangover 

h-*touching her head* omg same I need sum asprin or SOMETHING IT hUUUrts 

de-omg were is carlos the planes about to board 

d-shh babe im sleeping *yawns*

j-ok sumthins going on weres brandon and carlos I swear on fucking god that if th-

c-chill jen were here 

j-were the hell were you guys 

flight attendant= f/a 

f/a-plane 369 is boarding now 

b- hey I had to make a stop and get this *holds up memory box *

j- omg brandon that's not supposed to leave our house why did you bring it anyway ?

b-maybe its time you show them whats in here 

j- NO!!im not ready plz understand that 

b-I understand sit next to me on the plane 

f/a-last call plane 369 

j-actually I think ima sit next to hailey and desi 

b-ok ill see you in a few hours love you *walks away*

jens thoughts- did he say that he loves me wait he always says that but after last night does he think different I need to tell him were not together are no he didn't ask me 


j-*sum1 taps shoulder**looks back* Alex ?

a- hey c'mon the plane 

j-oh yeah I was sorta day dreaming 

a-your so pretty 

j-*laughs* funny that's one good joke I actually belived it for a second 

a- well if you think that's a joke then I guess im just natrully a clown but fr fr your beautiful 

j- thx your not bad either *smiles*

a-I like you 

j-I like you too 

a- im not asking you out yet tho im waiting for the perfect time 

j-and when is that 

a-when the perfect place moment and time is 

j-okay well I guess ill wait 

a-kk *kisses you*

j-*kisses back*

b- YO WTF ARE YOU DOING MAN *walks angrily to you guys* GET OFF MY GIRL OR ILL FUCK YOU UP 

h- brandon stop ok everyones looking 

de-yo b you need to calm down like there are cameras 

c-fuck that your both 17 almost 18 you'll both go to jail

a-WTF!! what do you mean your girl shes mine 

j-umm guys 

b- ON GOD IMA FUCK YOU UP *punches alex*

a-YOU FUCKING BITCH!!*punches brandon*

as brandon and alex fight gio and carlos go to find secerity desi and hailey call 911 diegos suit case got lost so he didn't know any of this was going on and you (jen) couldn't handle them hurt each other so she tried pulling them apart since no one else would as they were fighting they both accidently push you and you hit your head on a bench and the next thing you see is hailey and desi run to you and brandon and alex stop fighting and look at you then it went all black!!


j-*opens eyes* *sees everyone there* were am I 

h- omg jen thank god your ok 

de-I thought I was never gonna see you again

a-jen I want you to know im so sorry 

b- me too I love you I really do 

d- dude were was I when this happened like shit 

g- I should've helped 

c- guys shes acting weird 

de- jen baby are you ok 

j- umm *clears throat* you all seem very nice I don't know what happened im sure this isn't your fault but...who are you guys ?

h- what jen this isn't funny ok don't play 

j- im not playing who are you guys 

a-*runs and hugs jen* no this is all my fault im so stupid im a fucking dumbass I didn't mean to im so sorry plz jen I love you plz remember me I beg you  *crying*

j-*touches alex cheek* I don't know who you are but theres something telling me that...I love you too 

doc-*walks in * oh well hello jen if you guys have not noticed she has lost her memorie but she can go now just try to help her remember we don't know if its permanent or not but there is a chance well good bye 

b-*begins to cry **gets on his knees*

j-*sees brandon* are you okay 

B- no jen no im not I grew up with you I fell in love with you your everything to me and im nothing to you because you cant even remember me 

j-im sorry but can I go home 

h- actually jen before you ended up here we are in vegas taking a trip we are staying in a hotel 

de-wow every memorie of us is gone now 

b- omg omfg get your thing c'mon were leaving now C'MON LETS GO IK WHATS GONNA HELP HER HURRRRYY !!!

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