a double mistake!!

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b-what happened to you why'd you drink 

j-weeelll carlos broke up with mee and I omg omg ima throw up 

b-go c'mon to the bathroom 

he leads you to the bathroom and you throw up as he holds your hair back when your done you rinse your face brush your teeth and feel weak so he puts you on the sink counter as he helps you put on a new shirt then you get to thinking 

j-why do you care so much b


j-ive known you for years and your still here why?

b-jen since we were little even if I was an asshole to you I always thought of you as my bestfriend 

j-you brandon have gave up everything just for me why are you so stupid go back to your family to your home town find a girl the perfecty girl your 17 im just a 15 y/o little girl

b-first idk if your too drunk but were only 2 years apart and I didn't give up everything just for you I gave it up for us now im here with you more in love with you than ever even if you don't feel the same im here with you 

j-thank you *smile**hugs brandon*


as brandon goes between your legs to give you a hug as you guys pull back you look into each others eyes with him holding on to the sink and your arms around his neck he takes the first move and crashes his lips on yours as you kiss passtionatly he grabs ahold of your waist as you grip harder on his neck he picks you up by your waist as you put your legs around him not breaking the kiss he gently puts you on the bed he looks at you for a few seconds and looks into your eyes you then slowly start blah blah you know he puts himself in you, yall do the nastie moaning and screaming and shit you know then you both lay down 


you wake up to see brandon gone but a pretty pink rose and a note right beside you it said 

Dear,jen I had to go to my room but i'll see you later today love you,say it back!!

you smell the rose and say it 

j-I love you too 

jen's thoughts- 

wait are we dating no great wait what happened yesterday am I oh no im NAKED!!

j-*junps out of bed covering herself with the cover*  WTF DID I DO IM AN IDIOT!!

j-fuck it fuck it 

you walk over to the counter again and get the strongest liquar bottle and drink it half way but feel drunk asf 

jen's thoughts-

could I be an achohalic maybe im go ask desi 

you walk out of your room and guide yourself to desi's room keeping your self stable using the wall when you get there you knock twice then hailey answers 

h-hey baby we were about to cal want to go to th--

j-in think I I I think I 

then everything went black 

you woke up in a different room and see someone walking around (lets say this is the last week you'll be in vegas)

j-who are you 

a-jen its alex are you ok do you need water food omg ice cream *feels your forehead* ogh your a little hot do you want the ac ima turn it up 

j-my head hurts I don't need anything but can I get an advil please 

a-*smile* sure 


after your done you go to your room 

jens thoughts- 

am I a hoe im so stupid im an idiot im a fucking slut I deserve to die I just litterlly hut 3 guys because im too confused I need my friends but I lost 3 

you walk over to desi's room 

de-hey babe you good? you seem a little down get in 

j-thx I think I made a huge mistake 

de-whats wrong 

d-hey babe whos he-

d-oh hey jen why ae you crying are you good

j-no im not good I just played with 2 guys that I truly love but im a dumbass 

d-calm down jen what happened 

j-*sniffs* carlos broke up with me yesterday then I got drunk I don't remember but I slept with brandon I got very unstable and drank again getting me drunk AGAIN!! then slept with alex *sniffs* im such a fucking hoe I swear just kill me already 

de-jen its ok look your just stuck theres too much going on for you your not a hoe just really confused you should be your human it happens to the best of us but we get through it 

d-and we go on with life 


d-did you seriously just have condoms laying around the room 




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