Break the distance 🤗

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It's been six months you and Alex are the best of internet friends Desiree and CARLOS are dating now but you don't care Desi got a lol distant with you but you cherish every moment with her while it last ona is your go to girl she break things off with Brandon and Brandon is always with gio who doesnt like you anymore for some reason 

Gio - yo y/n we need a talk 

Y/n - if your gonna hurt me I'll fuck you up

Gio- nah come on I wouldn't 

Y/n - sure 😒

Gio- come he leads you to the foot ball field 

He tells you to close your eyes then he covers them then walks you about 5 feet farther you hear that you guys are not alone and hear whispering and moving and your low-key scared 

Y/n - what's going on goo I'm scared please what are you doing who else is here 

Gio - baby don't you worry your fine is never hurt you or let anyone else just calm down 

You were breathing heavily but when goo said those words you felt safer 

Y/n - okay 

Gio - you ready to see what I got you 

Y/n - depends is it good or bad 

Gio - depends on what you say 

Y/n - huh? 

He uncovers your eyes and you see your whole group of friends holding balloons and candy you look and see gio  holding a sign saying to look up you look up and see would you be mines written on the sky you run and hug gio and whisper.....tbc 

Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now