Today 😋😘

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You wake up in Brandon's bed with him hugging you you give him a kiss and squeeze out of his grip you wake him up with a gentle shake and he wakes up you tell him this

Y/n - b ima go home and pack 

Brandon- baby what time is it 

Y/n - it's 2:42

Brandon - fine ima get up and pack 

Y/n - you know what I'll help you and you help me it'll be twice as fast and well leave today early in the morning around uhh... 10ish 

Brando-i see u all bossy 

Y/n-okay get the fuck up you big cute stupid Ass 

Brandon-hey !!

Y/n - just kidding love 

You get up and get dressed in the extra close you leave at Brandon's house part of his closet 

You pack all his close and leave nothing in his room besides his desks and bed then you sneak out his house with him and load up the moving truck that you ordered earlier that night it's 4 am BTW

Brandon - I can't be live we're actually running away together I love you baby girl 

You stop the car so fast in the middle of the street and look at him so fast he's never said I love you before damn I love him too you think should I say it

Brandon- what happened 

Y/n - I just love y-you too❤

He's smiles at you and kisses you then you drive off you make it to your house and pack it all up and sneak out your house it's now 9:52 and your mom wakes up at 9:30 to make breakfast 

Your mom's pov 

I wake up and go down stairs to make breakfast I make my famous French toast my children seeem to like and every one is sitting at the table I call Down y/n 

Y/m - y/n come down and eat breakfast 

She didn't even respond like she always does I must have called a 100 times then got tired of it I ran upstairs furious and opened the door to her room 

It was empty I look at her closet and it's empty I look into her bathroom it's all empty she's gone I look around and see a paper on her desk it's folded up and I open it and it says this 

Hello ,who ever is reading this must know yes I have ran away I will prove that I am capable of being someone and do bigger things I will show and probe I am worth loving please do not send someone to look for me I am great on my own and ima just pretend I don't know you guys or remember you all let's make a deal I don't mention you and you pretend I never existed 


*back to your point of view* 

I was waken up by a shake and woke up I was in La and in front of the house I bought weeks ago online I never thought I would ever do this but I'm happy it's with the one person I love the day goes by and you and Brandon shop for furniture and buy other random stuff you run some errands and sign yourselves up for public school which starts in 2 days so you also shop for school supplies and your birthday is coming up                                                            

Runaway//a blesiv love story 😍Where stories live. Discover now