THE SPEECH!!!!!!!!

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you get in a small room behind the certain and hear voices behind then hear a man 

man-CERTAIN UP IN 5..4...3...2..1 GO!!

the certain goes up 

you suddenly see hundreds of people and see in the front row vereena dess dev alex carlos and diego but what really caught your eye was reyna sitting in her seat about to find out all the shit you screwed up on what changed you what made you this type of mother to make her that type of daughter in aninstant you had to say something to the audience 

j-hello im jenavine lopez im 22 years old im pretty young right I must party and drink I must go out every night and get home at 3 am in the morning actually Im a runaway teen and a  mother of my 7 year old daughter sitting right there now im nervous not only because theres a lot of you here but because today 2 important people find out the full story now I live in new York I work as an elementary teacher because I love kids so if you look under your seats there's my book reach in there so its called one day with a question mark but symbols my daughter so if you open the page it has a little dedication it was written by me to my daughter and her unknown father it says "you'll one day understand why I did what I did" also in the bottom of the book it says my daughter's name to be honest this book is all for her and to tell her how I am....soooo....sorry I couldn't make things better because theres one thing enjoying your childhood but another is ruining your future in the bottom of the page it say's the strongest girls name reyna guzman*deep breathe* im gonna tell you about my book now im going to take you through my story 

suddenly you look in the front row and see all reyna and alex playing and whispering to each other you think to yourself how much they'd get along if you had just stayed how much alex would have loved his daughter enough to have to grow up with her how much different reyna would be then suddenly you snap out of your thoughts as carlos snaps his finger's in the Quiet room filled with hundreds 

j-im sorry here I go.....I jenivine was born august 12th a baby girl I was brought to this world I had choices to make and I made em but those choices just led to more and more...and more growing up *looks at reyna*  I lived in Arkansas were I was born into a family of 4 me my sister and my both parents I wasn't as happy as kids seem I was a very attitude child I learned how to snap back very young which caused me to habit myself I didn't like attention I honestly still don't which is why I have hella axiety rn but yea I didn't have I didn't have much attention from my parents or really any one I got my first bsf when I was 11 and I fell in love with him I really did enough to when we were only 14 we ran la days away from Arkansas but we did it we were unstoppable I liked Ia really did like la you know before la I was drowning slowly in my own blood cutting myself because I couldn't think of anything to make a complete human out of myself  but what kept me going was brandon a guy one of the many guys that stupidly fell for I met so many more people eventually I met someone else now this person is actually in the room I met an amazing person with a warm smile a person who lit up my day this is another boy I will never stop loving this guy not because I want to love him its because he gave me my first real life problem my on going challenge when I was 15 I took a trip to vegas and....I got pregnant not only that I didn't know who the dad was you see I was going through a break up got drunk slept with my ex who was my first boyfriend then the next day I drank again and slept with the amazing guy I was talking about I was in a scary position and didn't know what to do I had advice and comments from my other friends coming from every direction when it was time to leave vegas and go back to la I traded a ticket with a lady and ranaway...a second time....I found myself in new York city pregnant with no one I got myself in school got an apartment had my baby did 4 years of college and this year became a teacher im human I make mistakes I screw shit up everyday but that's just what makes me like everyone else and my fuck ups become my daughters and one day she will uinderstand but its gonna take time and I have to prepare myself for a long time of waiting ik we all want to make one!.THANK YOU!!

everyone gets up and claps the certain closes and you run to get reyna's hand and head for the door you look back to see alex you make direct eye contact you then turn back and begin to run at a light speed with reyna attached to one of your hands and hearing alex yell your name 

a-JEN.... JEN ..... JEN COME BACK!!

r-ALEX!! mom plz let go *pulls arm*

j-*grabs her arm* you'll understand one day I promise but we have to go 

a-*grabs jens arm* jen what did you mean

j-on what?

a-um we slept with each other during the trip I have to know is reyna my daughter?

j-alex um I-


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