Chapter 2 - Breakfast

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Deku, who is now dressed in his school uniform, heads down to the cafeteria where everyone from his class is eating breakfast. He gets in line to get his breakfast and grabs a wooden tray to put his food on. After getting his food, he looks around at the tables to see if he can find the table with his friends. Sure enough, after a second of looking, he spots Ochaco Uraraka waving her arms around to signal him over. Deku smiles and walks over to the table she is at.

Deku: "Hey guys," he says to everyone else at the table, which is Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui, and Shoto Todoroki.

Tsu: "Hi Midoriya," she says in her distinctive frog voice.

Deku rests his tray down and sits down at the table.

Uraraka: "What happened? You took so long we were starting to think you weren't coming down for breakfast." Uraraka says, taking a bite of a bacon strip.

Deku: "Oh, well Kirishima came by and we talked for a bit. I guess I lost track of time."

Iida: "Students are not supposed to fraternize that long! This is a fundamental rule that must not be broken!"

Tsu: "What did you guys talk about, ribbit?"

Deku: "He asked for help with that summer plan he had, to go to the lake."

Uraraka: "Oh, Ashido was talking to us about that earlier."

Todoroki: "Yeah, he swung by my dorm too."

Iida stands up from his chair and does a karate-chop motion with his hand as he exclaims: "What? How dare they not consult the classroom representative?"

Tsu grabs him by the arm and pulls him back down to his seat.

Tsu: "I think you just answered your own question, ribbit."

Uraraka: "Do you really think Aizawa would let us go?"

Deku: "Well, Kirishima wants me to ask Mr. Aizawa to see if I can convince him."

Uraraka: "Are you going to ask?"

Deku: "Yeah, I'll see Mr. Aizawa after class."

Tsu: "Oh boy, I'd sure love to go spend a week at the lake."

Todoroki: "Me too, I'm a bit stressed out."

Iida: "I don't know about this, perhaps we could practice our hero moves and catch up on our schoolwork instead."

Uraraka: "Aw, come on Iida, surely you of all people deserve a break. You are our class rep after all."

Iida: "I suppose you're right Uraraka, I'll think about it some more over the course of today. In the meantime, it's time for class!"

Everyone gets up and starts to walk away. Deku's eyes widen.

Deku: "Huh? Wait a minute, I didn't even get to finish my breakfast!" Deku says as he quickly finishes eating.

After Class, Later That Day

Hero lessons with Mr. Aizawa has ended for the day, and Mr. Aizawa stands over his desk organizing papers by tapping them on the desk so they stack nicely. Everyone except him and Deku remain in the room.

Deku: "Uh, Mr. Aizawa? Could I speak with you for a moment?"

Mr. Aizawa: "Sure Midoriya, what do you need?"

Deku: "Well, it's just that I was wondering, since it's almost summer, if you could let us go to the lake."

Mr. Aizawa: "Didn't Kirishima already tell you that I said no? My answer hasn't changed."

Mr. Aizawa turns and is headed for the door with all of his supplies in his bag.

Deku: "Please Mr. Aizawa, I really do think we deserve this break. Everyone has been working very hard, especially after the exams. We could practice our moves and hero stuff while we're there."

Mr. Aizawa stops and sighs. He turns his head to the side.

Mr. Aizawa: One week. That's it.

A smile appears on Deku's face and he clenches his fists together in happiness.

Deku: "Thank you Mr. Aizawa!"

Mr. Aizawa: "Don't forget your hero work."

Deku: "I won't, I'll tell the others!"

Aizawa continues forward and walks out of the classroom.

Deku also leaves the classroom, but he is tugged by someone and he is pulled around the corner.

Deku: "AH!"

Deku sees that he was pulled by Kaminari and Kirishima.

Kaminari: "So, what happened?"

Deku: "With what?"

Kirishima: "With Aizawa, did he say yes?"

Deku: "Oh, he said it's fine as long as we practice our hero work."

Kirishima and Kaminari look at each other and smile. They high-five with both hands look back at Deku.

Kirishima: "Alright, sweet! Thanks Deku!"

Kaminari: "Yeah, thanks Deku!"

They both take off down the hall and to the dorm rooms to let everyone know of the plan. Deku smiles and watches as they run off.

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