Chapter 5 - The Island

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Deku lays face down on a beach, the waves just barely coming up to his face and washing back down to the water. Deku wakes up, and he wipes off the sand from his face.

Deku: "Agh, what in the world happened.."

He looks dirty from falling through the hole and he stands up, brushing sand off of him and gaining his balance back. He opens his eyes all the way and looks around, only to find he is not at the lake. He is on the beach of what appears to be a remote island. The sun is directly above him in the sky on a clear, sunny day. He looks around and panics, considering he doesn't see anyone else.

Deku: "W-what? Where am I?"

He sees that there are palm trees and that the coast goes on for quite a bit in both directions.

Deku: "Hello? Uraraka? Kacchan? Anyone?!"

Deku walks up the coast, trying to find his friends. He starts to run and he is visibly getting more and more worried.

Deku: "I hope the others are alright, I don't even know where we are.." he says to himself.

He keeps running up the coast until he says a person on their side laying in the sand.

Deku: "Finally, someone else is here.." he says to himself as he runs up closer.

Upon being relatively close, he can recognize who it is - Iida, and he appears to be unconscious. Deku kneels beside him and shakes him to see if he'll wake up.

Deku: "Iida, Iida come on, wake up, we're stranded and I don't know where we are.."

Iida remains unresponsive. Deku flips him over so he's laying on his back, and Deku can see that Iida's breathing.

Deku: "I'm sorry Iida," Deku says as he holds his fist out behind him to prepare for a punch. Deku punches Iida in the stomach, upon which Iida almost instantly sits up and spits out a bit of salt water. Iida is awake. He's gasping for air.

Iida(panting): "Ah, Midoriya, where are we?"

Deku: "I don't know, I just woke up, I haven't found anyone else besides you. It looks like some kind of island. All I remember was falling through a hole."

Iida: "Yes, I remember that as well..this is very strange."

Iida calms down a bit and stops panting. He stands up and dusts himself off.

Iida: "Well, there's no time to waste, let's try to find the others."

Deku: "Right, I'm with you."

Together, they both venture off into the palm tree forest that the beach surrounds. They stay close to each other and look around, observing the landscape of their new location. Suddenly, they hear bushes rustling and voices. Iida stops and puts his hand out to stop Deku from moving.

Iida (whispering): Do you hear that?

Deku nods. Deku: "Yeah."

They prepare for whatever may be coming their way as the rustling gets closer and closer. Finally, the bush is cut open by none other than Kirishima.

Deku: "Kirishima?"

Kirishima: "Oh, hey guys! I was starting to think we were alone!"

Iida: "Who's we?"

Uraraka reveals herself as she was lagging a bit behind Kirishima.

Uraraka: "Deku, Iida!"

Deku: "Hey Uraraka!"

Iida: "Excellent, we've all come together."

Kirishima: "But is this everyone on the island?"

Right after Kirishima asks that, a loud, familiar yell can be heard followed by the sound of an explosion.

Kirishima: "That answers my question! Let's go!"

They all run and take off in the direction of the noise. After a couple of feet of running, they find Bakugou with a banana in his hand, taking the peel off. Beside him is a fallen banana tree with smoke coming off of it. Everyone confusedly stares at Bakugou as he peels the banana.

Deku: "Kacchan!"

Bakugou notices the 4 looking at him and he continues to eat his banana.

Bakugou: "What are you clowns looking at? Haven't you ever seen a man eat a banana before?"

And with that, the 5 stranded on the island had found each other. Deku, Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Bakugou.

Iida: "Well, now that we're all together, we should establish a plan to get out of here."

Kirishima: "I agree. We should make some shelter or something so we can at least be safe for the night."

Bakugou: "You can all do that, I'm doing my own thing."

Deku: "But Kacchan,"

Bakugou interrupts Deku.


Kirishima: "Come on Bakugou, we can't do this alone."

Iida: "He's right, Bakugou. We need each other now more than ever. I don't care what personal issues you have with each other, but now is not the time for this bickering."

Bakugou looks at Deku in the eyes, then looks at Iida.

Bakugou: "Whatever, what are we doing."

Uraraka (quietly): "That was easier than I thought."

Deku (quietly): "I know."

Iida: "I suggest we gather resources. Any fruits, vegetables, building supplies, you name it. We will make this area our temporary shelter. It looks like a nice spot to build structures.

Everyone nods, and they all spread out to gather resources.

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