Chapter 6 - Shelter

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The sun is a few degrees above the ocean's horizon. Iida, who's shirt is worn and torn from gathering resources and climbing through bushes, plops down the last of the branches for the temporary campfire.

Iida: "Alright, Bakugou, if you will."

Iida points to the bundle of branches and Bakugou holds his hand out to it, igniting it with a small explosion.

Iida: "Excellent, we will be warm throughout the night. Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, how's the shelter coming along?"

Iida looks over at Deku and the others who are finishing construction of a small wooden hut just large enough to host all of them. Uraraka smiles as she lays the last palm leaf on top of the shelter. She looks back at Iida and gives a thumbs up.

Uraraka: "All set here!"

Iida: "Excellent! Gather around, everyone."

Everyone sits around the fire on small stumps. They hold their hands up to the fire to warm themselves up.

Iida: "I know how you all must feel. You miss home. You might even miss your dorm room and your warm bed. I know. I miss it too. But we need to be strong. We have to overcome this obstacle. As far as we know, the others are lost too, maybe not here. We need to come up with a plan to get off of this island."

The others stare down at the fire, listening to what Iida has to say.

Kirishima: "We could try to make a boat of some kind, big enough for all of us- hopefully once we're at sea we can find another island or something!"

Deku: "That's not a bad idea, the only problem is that we don't know what else is around here, we don't know where we are at all.."

Kirishima: "Good point."

As they all discuss their plan for getting off of the island, a distant howl can be heard. Only Bakugou hears this initially, and his vision shifts from the fire to the palm trees.

Bakugou: "Uh, did anyone hear that?"

Deku: "Hear what, Kacchan?"

Rustling from the bushes in front of them is heard. Kirishima stands up.

Kirishima: "Hey, maybe it's the others!"

A loud growl can be heard, and the rustling gets louder and louder.

Kirishima: "Okay, maybe not."

Everyone else stands up. 3 giant werewolf-like jump out of the bush and surround the campfire, growling and observing the 5 heros.

Iida: "They're werewolves,"

Bakugou: "Yeah, we figured that much."

One of them gets behind Iida while he's focused on something else, and it goes up behind him and tries to attack him.

Deku: "Iida, watch out!"

Deku lunges at Iida and tackles him out of the way of the wolf. Iida is knocked to the floor, but quickly springs back up. The wolf, who was running at full speed, runs directly into Kirishima who hardened himself at the last second. The wolf hurts it's head and is disoriented, then falls over.

Kirishima: "Cool!"

A second wolf starts to run towards Bakugou, to which he stands his ground and holds his hand out. He waits for the wolf to get close, then blasts it with an explosion, the wolf cowering back after it's nose is burned from his explosion.

The third wolf jumps on top of Uraraka, who screams. The wolf's paw scratches and cuts her shoulder and arm.

Uraraka: "Ah! Get off of me!"

Deku hears her and starts running over to the wolf, charging up his One-For-All.

Deku: "Watch out, Uraraka!"

Uraraka presses her hand up against the belly of the Wolf and tries to get it off. The wolf starts floating above the ground and moves its paws around trying to maneuver. It starts to whimper and the other wolves realize that they are outmatched by the 5 heros. They all look at each other and decide to retreat, and Uraraka releases the third wolf once it's further away. They run off into the trees whimpering and defeated.

Iida pants, and he walks over to where he was knocked over and picks up his glasses.

Iida: "That was too close, but we managed to fight them off. Excellent work everyone. Is anyone harmed?"

Kirishima: "I'm great!"

Bakugou: "I'm fine here."

Deku kneels beside Uraraka, who's slightly bleeding from her scratches.

Uraraka: "I'm fine," she says.

Deku runs over to a palm tree leaf and he wraps it around her wound tightly.

Deku: "That was some really good thinking Uraraka, I'm proud of you."

Uraraka blushes intensely and tries to hide it.

Deku: "Oh, it was nothing..Thanks Deku.."

Iida: "We have to be careful of those werewolves, they might come back again after all."

Bakugou: "Yeah whatever, those damn wolves are stupid if they think they can win against me."

Deku smiles and helps her back up. Bakugou sits back down on the stump and warms his hands up again. The rest of them sit down on the stumps and laugh about what had just happened.

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