Chapter 12 - Escaping the Jungle / Snow Mountain

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Sero and Tsu sit together on top of a tall jungle tree.

Sero: Man, I really hope we can get out of here..I hate to say it, but I'm starting to feel a little hopeless.."

Tsu: "Sero, there's no need to get hopeless. I'm sure that we'll find the rest of our classmates and get out of here in no time."

Sero looks down below at the jungle floor, still a bit of sadness in his face. Tsu grabs his chin and moves his head to look at her.

Tsu: "And besides, even if we don't, you and I can live here together. No matter what happens, we'll be together."

Sero's sadness fades and it's replaced with happiness. He smiles, and puts his arm around Tsu. She blushes, and leans her head against Sero's shoulder.

Ashido, down below, secretly spies on Tsu and Sero.

Ashido: "Aw, they're so cute, I wish I could find someone like that.."

Sato pats Ashido on the back.

Sato: "Oh, don't worry Ashido, I'm sure you'll find someone out there."

Ashido: "Thanks Sato..Oh! I almost forgot, the chocolate!"

She runs back to the jungle house and takes the pot with chocolate off of the fire.

She waits for it to cool and sits down on the floor of the house. Sero and Tsu come back along with Ojiro and Sato. They close the door.

Sero: "Hey Ashido, how's the chocolate coming along?"

Ashido: "Hey guys, and it's almost done, we just have to wait for it to harden."

Sero: "Oh, cool!"

Meanwhile, Todoroki's group at the Snow Mountain have begun their adventure off of the mountain now that the snow cleared.

Tokoyami: "There's a jungle ahead, perhaps we can find something there."

Mineta: "Ah, that jungle looks kind of creepy.."

Hagakure: "Oh come on Mineta, don't be such a scaredy-pants."

Mineta: "Huh? Me? Never! Mineta fears no one!"

Everyone sarcastically replies to Mineta with "Yeah, sure."

They continue their exploration into the jungle and look around for anything of interest. Mineta remains close behind Todoroki. Todoroki abruptly stops, and Mineta slams into his leg.

Hagakure: "What is it, Todoroki?"

Todoroki looks up in between two trees.

Todoroki: "Sero's tape is up there. He's close."

Tokoyami observes the tape.

Tokoyami: "My goodness, it is his tape. Sero!"

Mineta puts his hands around his mouth to amplify his yell.

Mineta: "Sero! We're here!"

Sero, up in the house, hears his name being called.

Sero: "Someone's calling my name? Is it the others?"

Sero stands up and opens the door, seeing the group down below.

Sero: "It's Todoroki! Hey guys! Up here!"

The group notices the treehouse and they wave and cheer. They climb up, and reunite with Sero's group. Hugs and fist bumps fill the room, along with many, many questions.

Tsu: "Ribbit, have you guys seen anyone else?"

Tokoyami: "No, you're the first we've stumbled upon. How about you guys?"

Tsu: "Nope, same here."

Ashido and Hagakure hug.

Ashido: "Where were you guys?"

Hagakure: "We were on a mountain and it was really cold and snowy."

Ashido: "Eek, that sounds awful. Here it's been pretty hot."

Mineta: "And now it's even hotter with all of you!"

Ashido: "Oh, right, Mineta was with you guys.."

After a few minutes of talking, a strange light suddenly fills the room from outside.

Tokoyami: "What's that light? It's so bright.."

They all go outside, and sure enough, there's Aoyama's beam.

Todoroki: "It's the others.."

Ashido: "Holy cow! Should we follow it?"

Tokoyami: "Sure, but let's gather what we can before we do. We don't know how far they are."

And with that, they gather up and join the expedition to Aoyama's beam.

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