Chapter 3- On The Road

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With their summer officially started, the class of 1-A have all agreed to attend the trip to the lake. Deku has a camping bag on his back instead of his traditional school bag. Likewise, the rest of the class, who is lined up outside to board a bus to the lake, is also packed and ready.

Hagakure: "I can't believe we're actually going! I've been waiting for so long to kick back and relax!"

Jirou: "Yeah, me too I guess."

Mr. Aizawa stands by as the students load the bus.

Aizawa: "Remember, only one week. Please don't waste all of your time."

Kirishima: "You can count on us, Mr. Aizawa!"

Aizawa: "Yeah.."

Mr. Aizawa sighs and he turns and walks away.

Aizawa: "Have fun everyone."

Everyone in unison replies with: "Thanks Mr. Aizawa!"

Bakugou: "Hey Kirishima, why did you even want to go to this stupid place? You really want to spend a whole week of your summer with these dorks?"

Kaminari: "Geez Bakugou, lighten up a bit."

Everyone has now boarded the bus and is seated. Deku sits next to Uraraka, and next to him is Kirishima and Bakugou. Both Deku and Bakugou have the window seat. The bus starts driving them away from UA and down the road to the lake.

Uraraka: "So, Deku, what other plans do you have for the summer?"

Deku: "Well, I was supposed to be spending time with All-Might right now, but the whole lake thing pushed it to next week.."

Uraraka: "Oh, I see. Does he know you're going to the lake?"

Deku: "Yeah, I told him about it a few days ago to let him know what happened."

Uraraka takes out a bottle of water and takes a drink from it.

Uraraka: "Oh, cool."

She looks a bit disappointed, like she missed an opportunity to ask him something.

Towards the front of the bus is Jirou and Kaminari. Her earphones are plugged into her phone and she has her eyes closed, listening to music. Kaminari rests his head against the window and looks out at the trees swinging by.

Meanwhile, Mineta, who is sitting by himself, is writing away rapidly on a small notebook. The words he wrote read: "Day 1: Success! I was able to go on the field trip to the lake for one whole week! Now, it's only a matter of time before my master plan goes into action.."

Hanta Sero, who is sitting behind him, stands up a little and looks over at Mineta writing and asks him about it.

Sero: "Hey Mineta, what'cha writing about?"

Mineta smirks and looks at Sero.

Mineta: "Oh, you'll see soon enough Sero, all of us lucky boys will.."

Sero looks puzzled. He shrugs and sits back down in his seat.

Aoyama is sitting next to Tsu, and he is checking himself out in a small portable mirror he brought along.

Aoyama: "Oh, how I can't wait to indulge in a lemonade on the lakeside and relax and bask in the summer sun.."

Tsu: "What's the point of going to a lake if you're not even going to swim?"

The bus arrives at the drop-off location for the lake and everyone gets off of the bus. From where they are, they can see down the hill to the beautiful blue lake. 

My Hero Academia: Trouble In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now