Chapter 8 - The Jungle

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Sero shoots out tape from his elbows as he swings from a jungle tree to the next. It's early in the morning but bright enough so Sero can see where he's going. He stops at the top of a tree branch and squats down. He looks down a bit and quietly calls out to Tsu.

Sero: "You still with me, Tsu?"

She emerges from around a tree beside him.

Tsu: "Ribbit."

Sero: "Alright, I think this was where I saw those weird dog things."

Rustling is heard, and they both hide so that they're not as easily spotted. Two werewolf-like creatures, similar to those that were encountered by Izuku's group on their island, are seen walking through the jungle floor.

Tsu(whispering): "I don't know alot about dogs, but I'm pretty sure those are no pups."

Out of nowhere, a strange, unfamiliar voice can be heard also coming from the jungle floor.

Wolf: "Are you sure this is where you saw him?"

They both realize that the voice came from the wolf.

Wolf 2: "I'm positive. I came up here to drink, and the kid saw me and ran away."

Sero(whispering and shocked): "What? I didn't know they could talk!"

Suddenly, Sero's branch that he was crouching on gives in. He scrambles to try to hold on to the main tree, but he dopily tumbles down to the jungle floor, right behind the wolves.

Tsu: "Oh no, ribbit."

The wolves hear the tumble and plop of Sero and they turn around and start to growl. Sero quickly jumps onto his feet and nervously smiles and puts his hands out in front of him to keep them at a distance, but they walk towards him slowly anyway. Tsu, who remains unnoticed, hops to a better position to attack should the wolves strike.

Sero: "Nice doggies.."

Just then, the first wolf leaps towards Sero, but Tsu wraps her tongue around it and slams it to the ground. The other wolf, confused as to what happened to it's comrade, turns around and focuses its attention on Tsu, who is now also on the jungle floor. The wolf starts running towards Tsu and manages to bite a part of her long tongue, but Sero makes a quick decision and shoots out tape from his elbow, attaching the wolves legs together and rendering it immovable.

Tsu: "Ow!"

The wolf falls to the floor and scrambles and squirms, trying to release itself from Sero's tape. Sero ties up the other wolf as well so that Tsu can retract her tongue. Sero runs over to Tsu, who is in the floor in pain.

Sero: "Hey, don't worry Tsu.."

He looks around for any plants or herbs that may relieve her pain. Sero remembers back to his botanical studies class, and is able to spot an aloe vera plant close to where they are. He rips it in half, revealing the healing-like gel within and applies it to her tongue cut.

Tsu: "Agh..thank you Sero.."

Sero smiles. He touches her forehead with the back of his hand.

Sero: "You're welcome."

Sero's face turns from happy to menacing as he turns and walks over to the wolves still struggling. They whimper and growl as they see the angry look on his face.

Sero: "Enough with this game, I heard you speaking. I know you can understand me. If you don't stay away from us, the next time we see you, you'll be buried where you lay."

Tsu's eyes widen as she hears a side of Sero she's never heard before, a protective and defensive one.

Sero: "Are we clear?"

The wolves both look at each other and nod in a terrified manner. Sero picks up Tsu and carries her back to their hideout.

Like the others, they built a form of shelter, except not on the ground. Sero shoots out his tape and flings himself up to a wooden platform near the top of a jungle tree. They have constructed a small treehouse with a stairway for climbing up/down, however Sero likes to fling himself up there because it's more fun. Sero opens the door and sets Tsu down near her sleeping spot. Inside, he is greeted by Sato and Ojiro.

Sato: "Hey, what happened, is everything alright?"

Tsu gives a thumbs up.

Tsu: "Ribbit."

Sero: "Those stupid wolves, they shouldn't be an issue for now."

Tsu: "Where's Ashido?"

Ojiro: "Oh, she went down to scope out the jungle. She should be back any minute now."

And indeed, almost on cue, Ashido comes back up the stairs and into the room.

Ashido: "Hello everyone, man is it hot out there."

She sits down and wipes some sweat off of her forehead.

Sato: "So, did you find anything?"

Ashido takes a sip of water from a small cup she made.

Ashido: "Nah, not that I could see."

Sato: "Man, this sucks."

Ashido: "Well, look on the bright side, I found this!"

She pulls out several cocoa beans from a small satchel she made. Everyone exclaims in joy as she pulls them out, begging her to share.

Ashido: "If we put these in a pot over the fire, we can melt it down to make real chocolate!"

Everyone cheers Ashido's idea and they all help her making chocolate. They are all happy, and it helps to take their minds off of the fact that they're stranded in a mysterious land.

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