Chapter 14 - The Battle

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With Deku and Bakugou essentially left quirkless, it's up to the rest of Class 1A to step up and take on the mysterious lady before them, calling herself Catalina. She is dressed in all black explorer clothing, and her hair is a pale white. Iida tries to reason with this lady before jumping to any conclusions.

Iida: "Now then, Catalina, why is it that you have brought us here?"

Catalina moves her hand in a certain fashion, and a large ball of dark blue energy is unexpectedly hurled at the class of 1A. Deku and Bakugou are the first to be hit, and they get blasted back. Bakugou recovers on his feet, but Deku gets slammed against a tree and falls to the floor. Todoroki prevents anymore energy balls from being thrown by shooting up a wall of pure ice.

Uraraka: "Deku!"

Uraraka runs to Deku's side, but he sits up nonetheless.

Deku (weak) : "Uraraka, you have to fight her with all that you've got, okay? It's your time to shine."

Uraraka: "What are you talking about? You're hurt, you need me to help you." Uraraka looks at Deku's arm that's bruised and bloody. He touches her cheek and pulls her to look at him in the eyes.

Deku: "Uraraka, I'll be fine. Go out there, and make me proud."

Uraraka sees the sincerity in Deku's green eyes, and she feels a tear or two rise to the surface of her eyes. She nods and smiles, kissing Deku on the forehead. Deku faints, because even when he's hurt, he's still a dork. She smiles, and turns around just in time.

Todoroki's ice shield proved strong, but not for long, as Catalina completely destroyed the wall of ice with one tap of her hand. The shards of ice stood suspended in the air while the class of 1A looked in shock as she seemingly controlled the shards. With a flick of her hand, the shards are blasted at the class at a high speed. Jirou quickly plugs herself into the ground and plays a loud screeching sound, breaking the shards and making them fall to the ground like feathers. Kaminari stands in awe, looking at how bravely and quickly Jirou sprung into action, almost as if to say - "that's my girl."

Koda finds and befriends the local animal population, including a swarm of squirrels and crows, and directs them to attack Catalina. The animals comply, and they all swarm and attack Catalina by poking and surrounding her.

Catalina: "Ah!? What is this? Crows? Seriously?"

She swings and flails her arms around trying to disperse the animals as Koda jumps and cheers. Bakugou, still refusing to be useless, sprints at Catalina and tries to tackle her while she is distracted. She is not fooled, however, and was actually expecting Bakugou to try something. She shoots out a spider's like web from her palm and ties Bakugou up in a web. He falls to the ground and squirms around, trying to break free, but the fibers are as strong as steel.

Bakugou: " dare you TIE ME UP LIKE THIS?! AM I JOKE TO YOU?!"

Catalina: "Well when you move around like that, it is kind of adorable actually."

She laughs near the end of her sentence.

Catalina: "But for now, I have to shut you up, you're too obnoxious sometimes.." She moves her hand in a certain fashion and webs shoot out from beneath her sleeves.


Bakugou is interrupted by her webs that completely cover his mouth. His yells are now quiet and muffled.

Catalina jumps up onto a tree branch and looks down at the class.

Catalina: "Now let's see, where was I, oh yes, I was about to make sure you all die."

Catalina starts to generate another orb of energy, but instead of shooting it directly at the class, it breaks apart and releases small fragments onto the class. The fragments appear harmless and fall like feathers, and everyone stares at them in confusion.

Tokoyami: "What is this?"

Todoroki: "It's not important, she's just trying to distract us."

Suddenly, Uraraka calmly walks forward and towards Catalina. She is then joined by Iida, then Yaoyorozu. Their eyes are pale, their iris all one color.

Todoroki: "What? Where are you all going?"

Deku: "Hey, wait! Uraraka, what are you doing?"

There is no reply from any of the students that went over to Catalina's side.

Catalina giggles and covers her mouth, watching as they gather below her. Sero and Tokoyami also join the others in mindlessly following Catalina.

Todoroki: "Damnit, what the hell did you do to them?!"

Catalina stops herself from giggling momentarily, a grin on her face.

Catalina: "I cast a simple spell that takes advantage of all of their weaknesses. They're the easiest to control, the ones that think they're worthless."

The class of 1-A that was unaffected by the spell look at each other and gasp.

Tsu: "'re controlling their minds?"

Catalina: "That's right frog girl! Right now, they're having a dream with all of their worst thoughts about themselves, and until they wake up, they're under my control!"

Catalina jumps down and surrounds herself with the mind controlled students.

Catalina: "In other words, they'll do whatever I tell them to do, and right now, they're ordered to protect me until they die. So if you want to defeat me, you're going to have to fight your friends to the death. Oh, how I love a good show!"

She giggles again, her sounds getting louder and louder until they culminate into a full-on evil laugh.

Deku: "Oh no..Uraraka..please wake up.."

Uraraka remains controlled, staring off into the distance past Deku.

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