Chapter 13 - Reunited (For Now)

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Deku's Group

Deku's group continues to navigate in the sea towards Aoyama's beam. It's been about an hour since they departed their island, and the sun still has a bit to go before fully setting. They raise their sail and let the winds push them so that they can take a break from rowing.

Deku sits against the frontside of the boat, exhausted.

Deku: "Kirishima, can you pass me a berry?"

Kirishima: "Sure, here you go."

Kirishima tosses a berry over to Deku and he catches it. He eats the berry and looks out at the ocean, his green hair waving slightly in the air.

Bakugou, on the opposite side of the boat, observes Deku, and can't help but like what he sees. He slaps himself.

Bakugou: "Damn water's making me seasick.."

Uraraka looks sad and she has her head rested on her hand. She looks down at the fish swimming alongside the boat and observes their colors. One has shiny blue scales while another has more matte and dark red ones.

Kirishima: "Who else do you think is with Aoyama?"

Iida: "No idea, but hopefully everyone's alright. The most important thing is to remain calm in situations such as these."

Todoroki/Sero's Group

The two groups who found each other are now merged into one. They walk and maneuver through the jungle's jagged and bumpy terrain.

Tsu: "I think Aoyama's close, we've been walking for some time now, ribbit."

Todoroki: "I agree. This jungle looks like it's turning into more of a forest though."

Ashido: "Do you think we were all divided into different areas?"

Tokoyami: "What do you mean?"

Ashido: "Well, we were here in this jungle region. You guys were in some snowy area, and it looks like Aoyama's group is in a forest area. I don't know, but it just seems off to me."

Tokoyami: "Well now that you say that, you're right. It does seem a little suspicious that we were all divided into different geographical regions. It's almost like.."

Tsu: "We were separated on purpose?"

Tokoyami: "Well, that's what it looks like, but who would do that?"

Just then, they come across a giant mountain in the middle of the forest. After observing it and going around the side, they come across Aoyama's beam and group.

Tsu: "Guys!"

Yaoyorozu and Jirou stand up together. They wave to the others and greet each other. Aoyama looks extremely uncomfortable for having used his beam for so long, and he takes a momentary break.

Deku's Group

Deku's group has encountered the mainland and they dock their boat and pile out of it.

Deku: "This has to be the mainland that everyone else is on.."

Iida: "Let's follow the beam, hopefully we will find the others."

They all walk together towards the beam, and it turns out that they were fairly close because a few minutes later they encounter the rest of their friends. All 20 classmates of Class 1-A are reunited once again, and they all greet each other and talk about their experiences on their individual survivals.

Sero: "You guys had wolves too?"

Deku: "Yeah, they tried to attack us on our island."

Sero: "Did they say anything to you?"

Deku: "Say? Did your werewolves talk?"

Sero: "Yeah, it was really freaky man."

Yaoyorozu: "We didn't have any werewolves in the forest."

Hagakure: "Neither did we!"

Just then, human footsteps are heard from a few feet away. They all turn around to try to figure out what the sound is, and they find their answer. A strange woman, one that they hadn't seen before, calmly and steadily walks towards them. She has short gray hair and looks to be in her 30s. She is dressed like an explorer. Deku and Bakugou move to the front.

Bakugou: "Hey you! Who the hell are you?"

The woman stops and stands. She smirks and looks at everyone.

Woman: "I am Catalina, the daughter of All-For-One, and the reason you are all here."

Deku exclaims in shock, letting out his unforgettable gasp.

Catalina: "And now, I am the reason you will never get back home."

Deku gets into his position to attack, and starts to charge up his One-For-All. It starts to surge, then cuts out.

Deku: "What? I can't use my quirk!"

Bakugou: "Fine, I'll take on this bastard by myself!"

Bakugou holds his hand out and tries to let out an explosion, but only a small puff of smoke is ejected. He tries again, staring at his hands in disbelief. He falls to his knees.


Catalina: "Silly boys, you don't think I would've thought to disable the two best heroes quirks?"

She laughs evilly to herself, and the two heroes remain powerless. The rest of the class can still use their quirks, however, and they move to the front with Deku and Bakugou.

Todoroki: "You think that will be enough to stop us? Well then you're dead wrong."

The two parties stare each other down, knowing that they are up against someone powerful and dangerous.

Catalina: "Let us begin this little battle, shall we?"

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