Chapter 4 - The Lake

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Deku looks down at the lake water from the bus unloading station. Kaminari joins him and puts his hands on his hips.

Kaminari: "Oh man, I can't wait to jump into that water.."

Deku: "Yeah, me too!"

Together, the class walks down a grassy path to the lake's shore. Several small shacks for changing are set up along the beach, separated by boys/girls. Bakugou's shoulder brushes up against Deku's back sharply.

Deku: "Ow, Kacchan what the heck?"

Bakugou: "Dammit Deku, watch where the hell you're going."

Uraraka sees this and she pats Deku's back.

Uraraka: "Wow, why does he have to be so mean to you.."

Deku: "Oh, it's nothing. He doesn't actually mean it."

Bakugou hears this and he turns to yell at Deku.


Deku puts his hand on the back of his head and smiles at Uraraka.

Deku: "I'll catch up with you after we change into our swim clothes."

Uraraka: "Okay, see you in a bit!"

Deku and Uraraka walk to their respective changing rooms and change into their swimwear. The changing rooms are really just 2 big huts on the top of the beach, one for the girls and one for the boys, separated a couple hundred feet apart. By the time Deku is out, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mineta are all already in the water and splashing each other.

Kaminari: "Kirishima, stop that, you're splashing too much!"

Since Kirishima can turn rock solid, he keeps slamming his rock hard arm into the water causing it to ridiculously splash everywhere.

Deku joins them in the water along with Iida, Sero, Ojiro, and Sato. They are later joined by Tsu, Hagakure, Ashido, and Yaoyorozu.

Ashido: "Ooo, the water's warm!"

Sero: "Sure is!"

Together, they all play in the water and swim around for a couple of minutes. The people who didn't go into the water remained on the beach, sitting on chairs facing the water. Mineta, who hasn't been seen, is sneaking around somewhere he shouldn't be - the girl's changing room.

Just then, when everyone was having fun, the sunny sky turned gray. Dark clouds quickly came in from the west, much faster than anyone had ever seen.

Bakugou, on the beach, takes off his sunglasses and looks up at the sky.

Bakugou: "What the hell, where'd the damn sun go?"

A couple of drops of rain start to fall from the sky.

Iida: "That's odd, there wasn't supposed to be any clouds forecasted."

Deku: "Yeah, we should probably get out of the water and back into our normal clothes."

Everyone nods in agreement and starts to pour back into their dressing rooms.

Kaminari: "Hey, has anyone seen Mineta?"

Just then, a scream is heard as Hagakure and Ashido throw Mineta out of the girl's dressing room. He was hiding under a basket, hoping not to be seen.

Jirou: "Pervert!"

Mineta gets up and dusts himself off.

Kaminari: "Well, at least he tried."

Mineta: "I was so tantalizingly close.."

As Mineta walks back to the boys' dressing room, the sand beneath him starts to crumble down.

Mineta: "Ah! Help!"

Kaminari sees Mineta randomly fall down into the sand.

Kaminari: "Huh? Mineta?"

Kaminari sprints over to where Mineta was, revealing a large hole in the ground. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake.

Kaminari: "Uh, guys? We're in trouble!"

Deku: "Crap, hold on!"

Holes start appearing rapidly underneath where everyone is situated. Deku tries to hold onto something so he doesn't fall, but it's no use. He falls into a hole along with others from his class.

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