Chapter 15 - Catalina's Control

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Taking a look at everyone's dreams, they all seem to be dreaming of their lives at home while being mind controlled by Catalina.

Iida is back at his home, sitting on the couch. Beside him sits his older brother, Tensei, perfectly healthy and unharmed. Iida quickly gasps.

Iida: "''re fine.."

Tensei smiles at his younger sibling.

Tensei: "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Iida: "But, but the Hero Killer Stain, he-he left you in a hospital bed!"

Tensei: "But I'm fine now, Tenya."

Tensei stands up and leaves their living room to go to the nearby kitchen. Iida sits up on the couch and watches as Tensei walks away.

Tensei: "I can get you something to eat if you want, I know how much you like beef stew.

Iida feels tears rushing to his eyes, like an avalanche of emotions has covered his body and he's struggling to breathe. The memories of his older brother come back to him.

Iida: "Tensei.."

Iida stands up and wipes the tears off of his face, the illusion having been broken.

Iida: "You're not real."

Tensei looks confused, and he turns to look at Tenya.

Tensei: "What do you mean? I'm right here in front of you."

Iida: "This is a trick by that..that..witch Catalina..she's trying to mess with my head.."

Tensei: "Calm down Iida, you're just overreacting. It's fine, take a seat."

Iida walks away.

Iida: "No, I won't. This is all just an illusion."

Iida punches the wall of his home and the illusion starts to break, revealing a distorted wavy void on the other side of the wall.

Tensei: "Iida, stop doing that."

Iida continues to kick and punch at the walls, trying to escape this horrible illusion.

Outside of the illusion, Iida's controlled body is actually kicking and punching the unaffected Class of 1-A, hitting Shoji and Kaminari in the face.

Kaminari: "Damnit Iida, wake up!"

Inside Uraraka's illusion, she sits at the lakeside next to Midoriya, her head against Deku's shoulder.

Uraraka: "I'm really glad I got to spend the week with you Izuku.."

Deku: "I'm really glad too, Uraraka.."

She hears a different tone in Midoriya's voice, one that she hasn't heard before. She looks at his face, and notices his eyes are not his usual green color, but rather a dark purple. She decides to try a test.

Uraraka: "Can I say something, Deku?"

Deku: "Sure, what is it Uraraka?"

Uraraka: "I..I love you.."

Deku: "I love you too."

Uraraka looks at Deku, who isn't even blushing. She senses that something is off. Uraraka stands up and looks around, getting a bad vibe from the whole place.

Uraraka: "You're not're just some kind of puppet.."

Deku: "What are you talking about Uraraka?"

She punches the fake Deku, but outside of the illusion is actually hitting Todoroki

Todoroki: "This is crazy, they're mind controlled and we can't even hit back because we can actually hurt them!"

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