Chapter 16 - Back at the Lake

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After returning to the lake, the Class of 1A decided to get caught up with each other and have a big celebration now that they're united once again. The pro heroes have left and gone back to the city, and it is sometime in the afternoon now. They were given a proper tour of the lake by the local staff, which includes 2 cabins for them to stay in, boy and girl. The lake also has a hot spring for bathing and a small pier. After the class has bathed and changed into the clean clothes they packed, it was time to party.

Jirou, who brought her electric guitar, starts to play live music along with Kaminari on vocals. Together they set up a spot on the shore, and most of the class sits around them and listens while they roast marshmallows on a bonfire.

Yaoyorozu: "Wow, I didn't know Kaminari could sing!"

Ashido: "Neither did I! It's actually really good!"

Kaminari hears the approval of his classmates and can't help but smile while he sings.

Midoriya notices that Uraraka is missing from the group and looks around for her. He sees that she's on the pier, looking off at the distance with the wind waving her brown hair around gently. Midoriya tells Kirishima that he'll be right back, and he stands up and walks onto the pier and over to Uraraka. She hears the sound of Midoriya and wipes a tear off of her face.

Midoriya: "Hey, Uraraka, why are you all the way out here? Don't you want to celebrate with us?"

Uraraka: "Oh, yeah, I'll be over there in a sec, I just wanted to admire the view, that's all.."

Midoriya: "Is..Is something wrong?"

Uraraka stays quiet for a moment.

Uraraka: "No, nothing's wrong! Just stressed from all of this survival stuff, you know?"

Midoriya: "Uraraka, you know you can tell me what's bothering you.."

She stays quiet.

Uraraka: "It's just..the made me start to wonder if I am even deserving enough of being called a pro hero..I'm not good enough. My quirk is useless. Compared to you guys, I'll never amount to anything and I'll just.."

Midoriya, with great courage, interrupts Uraraka and takes her hand. His face is slightly red with blush, and he looks at her directly in the eyes.

Midoriya: "Uraraka, don't say that. Please just don't say that."

She gasps, and wasn't expecting Izuku to take her hand.

Uraraka: "Izuku.."

Midoriya: "You are not useless. You're not worthless. You have a meaning, a purpose, your quirk is important and people will need you. I mean that, Uraraka. Don't ever, ever doubt yourself, and if you need proof, I'm someone that needs you."

She feels another set of tears fall down her cheeks. Overwhelmed with emotion, she starts to cry and hugs Midoriya. He embraces her and pats her back, feeling her warm face on his shoulder and the wetness from the tears. Even Deku feels like crying as well.

From afar, a group consisting of Hagakure, Ashido, Kirishima, and Aoyama watch as the two hug.

Ashido: "Aw, why can't I find someone who will say those words of encouragement.."

Mineta pops up out of nowhere and leans his tiny arm against Ashido's leg.

Mineta: "Then look no further."

Ashido drop kicks Mineta and he flies off back to the main group.


Izuku and Uraraka finish hugging, and Uraraka wipes the rest of her tears off with the back of her hand.

Uraraka: "Thank you so much, Deku.."

Midoriya: "Of course Uraraka.."

They stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

Midoriya: "Well, let's get back to the celebr-"

Midoriya is interrupted by the feeling of something pulling at his collar, yanking him forward. His cold lips are met with the warm feeling of Uraraka's kiss. His eyes widened at the tug, but once the kiss happened, he calmed down significantly. The group of spies are amazed by what they had witnessed, and can't help but let out a few aww's.

After the kiss, Uraraka smiles at Midoriya's extremely red face and nervous behavior.

Uraraka: "Now let's get back to the celebration."

Uraraka takes Midoriya by the hand and runs back down to the end of the pier. The spying group runs off and pretends they didn't see anything.

Jirou and Kaminari are in the middle of a freestyle jam when the Midoriya and Uraraka return. They sit down in the sand and enjoy the music and marshmallows, then look at each other in the eyes and smile once more.

Iida: "Alright everyone, get ready for the conga line! Single file!"


The class has a laugh together as the celebration continues.

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