Chapter 17 - The End?

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It is the morning after the celebration at the lake. A tired and freshly bathed Class of 1-A lay asleep in their cabins.

In the boys cabin, a single ray of sunshine falls through the gap in the curtains and onto Izuku Midoriya's face. He is awakened by the warm feeling of the sun on his cheek. He turns to his side, smiling, thinking about his kiss with Uraraka the night before.

Deku (in his head): It was so out of nowhere, she took me by surprise..I didn't think Ochako liked me like that..but that's okay, because I think I like her too..

Just then, the sound of footsteps at the far end of the building are faintly heard. The footsteps stop. Present Mic prepares to yell.


The boys all jump up from their beds in shock, covering their ears.

Midoriya: "I should have known.."

After the boys have prepared themselves for the day and dressed themselves, they enter the lake's cafeteria and serve themselves a delicious breakfast. The girls had already been woken up by Midnight, and are already seated at different tables.

Deku, his tray in his hands, looks around for where to sit, scanning the different tables. He finds a table with Kaminari, Jirou, Ashido, and Uraraka, and sits down with them.

Midoriya: "Hey guys!"

Kaminari: "Hey Midoriya!"

The rest of the table waves at Midoriya, including Uraraka. Midoriya and Uraraka look at each other for a brief moment, then smile at each other.

Kaminari taps Jirou on the shoulder and signals with his head to look at Deku and Uraraka.

Jirou (quietly): "What?"

Kaminari (quietly): "Don't you see it?"

Jirou (quietly): "See what?"

Kaminari (quietly): "I think Midoriya and Uraraka like each other!"

Jirou (quietly): "You're just now suspecting that? Ashido told us yesterday that they kissed during the celebration. I thought you would've known by now."

Kaminari's mouth widens and he gasps dramatically.

Kaminari (loudly): "No one told me!"

Uraraka: "Told you what?

Kaminari: "That Midoriya k-"

Kaminari is interrupted by Jirou's earphones that quickly wrapped around his neck to silence him.

Jirou: "That Midoriya likes coffee, isn't that right Kaminari?"

Kaminari gasps and grabs his neck.

Kaminari (panting): "Yeah, I thought you were more of a tea guy.."

Deku looks at Uraraka and shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee.

Ashido: "Hey, has anyone seen Iida?"

Deku: "I didn't see him in the cabin this morning."

Kaminari: "Neither did I, I just assumed he got early to go workout or study or something."


The 1A boys all lay asleep in their beds. Iida wakes up when he has a bad dream.

Iida (in his head): "Damn dreams.."

Suddenly, a blue light shines through the gap in the curtains. Iida notices the light, and carefully gets up out of his bed to investigate. He puts on his glasses and looks out the window and sees a bright blue object laying on the floor outside of the cabin. He walks outside and walks closer to the object.

Iida: "Is this another one of the teacher's tests?"

Iida slowly reaches his hand out to touch the object. His hand starts to glow, and he feels a strange sensation. He yells, and then disappears, along with the object.

To be Continued in a Separate Story

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