Chapter 9 - Snow Mountain

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Tokoyami stands on the crest of a snowy hill, his recognizable cloak waving in the cold wind. His eyes, with a sharp stare, scan the horizon of the valley below him. He walks down to a cavern in the side of the mountain where Shoji, Todoroki, and Mineta all sit. Todoroki lit a fire inside the cave so that they're fairly warm in the cold environment.

Mineta: "Hey, Tokoyami's back!"

Todoroki: "Did you find Hagakure?"

Tokoyami: "No, all I saw was snow. I couldn't see her anywhere."

Mineta: "It's pretty hard to find her when she's invisible."

Todoroki: "I'm going out there."

Tokoyami: "What? Why? I just went out."

Todoroki: "I need to find her. She left because we were rude to her. Because I was rude to her. I have to bring her back."

Shoji: "I'm coming with you."

Mineta: "No Shoji! You can't just leave! It's freezing out there!"

Tokoyami: "Todoroki, Shoji, I know you want to find Hagakure. We all do. But it's too cold out there, the snow is coming down extremely hard. We need to wait until the snow calms down before we try to look for her. I want her back too."

Todoroki: "I'm going, with or without Shoji."

Shoji decides to stay at the last minute. Todoroki heads out of the cave and into the snowy storm.

Shoji: "I hope he'll be alright.."

Mineta: "Yeah, so do I."

Todoroki, his knees deep in snow, decides to use his flames to burn a path in front of him. He can more easily move and can see tracks left in the dirt before the storm started. Sure enough, footprints are seen that lead somewhere.

Todoroki: "I'm going to find you, Hagakure.."

Todoroki keeps following Hagakure's footprints until he comes across an area with very thick snow piled up a few feet high. He looks up, and sees that there was an avalanche from a nearby mountain. What's worse, the tracks lead directly into the pile of snow.

Todoroki: "No no no, hang on Hagakure, I'll get you out of there."

With a very light burn, Todoroki starts to thaw out the snow and ice and frantically digging, hoping to be able to quickly find Hagakure. Sure enough, after a few seconds of digging, he feels her very cold skin with his hands. His eyes widen. He carefully thaws out the snow around her and can see the clothes that she was wearing, which is the only part of her that's visible. He picks her up in his arms and calls her name.

Todoroki: "Hagakure, it's me, Todoroki, are you awake?"

There is no reply from Hagakure. Her arms are stiff and cold, and Todoroki decides to emanate a small flame, hot enough to warm her up but not so hot to burn her skin. He starts running back to the cave, desperate to save her.

A stream of tears goes down Todoroki's face. He feels terrible.

A Few Minutes Earlier

Todoroki, Mineta, Hagakure, Tokoyami, and Shoji have all found themselves stranded on a mountain. The sky is cloudy, and the wind is very cold. They are all looking for a place to shelter and walking through the mountain slopes.

Hagakure: "Oh, it's so cold, I miss being back at the lake, where the water was all nice and warm, I miss home so much and I want to go home!"

Tokoyami: "Hagakure, now is not the time to complain."

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