Chapter 10 - Getting Off The Island

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Deku, Uraraka, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Iida, are still on the island from earlier. It's early in the morning, and they have spent the first night on the island without anymore interruption from the werewolves. Although everyone slept separate from each other, somehow Deku and Uraraka managed to move around in their sleep and ended up next to each other on the floor of the hut. Uraraka wakes up and yawns quietly, taking a few seconds to blink and open her eyes. When she does, she sees the distinctive features of Deku's face right next to her, his bright green hair covering his eyes. She blushes considerably, and realizes that they slept next to each other.

Deku wakes up soon after, and he too notices what happened. They look at each other in the eyes, and almost instantly back away from each other, both nervously.

Uraraka: "Oh, hey, good morning Deku.."

Deku: "Hi Uraraka, good morning to you too.."

And with that, the rest of the group wakes up as well.

Iida: "Ah, good morning everyone."

Kirishima: "Hey guys.."

Bakugou: "Why'd you wake me up bastards.."

Iida: "We have a busy day today friends, we should start gathering resources to build that boat we discussed yesterday."

Deku: "Right.

They all get up and leave the hut and gather wood and other materials to construct the boat. They plop all of the pieces down on the beach, and after an hour or so, have all of the materials necessary. Cutting is done with Kirishima's rock hard arm, slicing wood pieces into smaller pieces to be used. Iida and Uraraka lead the operation, since they both built boats before.

Deku: "Wow Uraraka, you're really good at this.."

Uraraka: "Thanks Deku.."

Deku turns and walks back to the trees to gather more wood. Looking at him, she thinks back to the morning where they woke up together. There was a layer of warmth around Deku's face that she could feel, and the skin of his that was touching hers felt softer than any stuffed animal she owned. She loses her balance while distracted about Deku and falls into the water.

Iida: "Uraraka!"

Iida, in one swift motion, takes his shirt off and jumps into the water without hesitation and helps Uraraka out of the water.

Iida: "Are you alright?"

Uraraka: "Yeah, I'm fine, I just lost my footing. Thanks Iida."

Deku comes back and sees a shirtless Iida carrying Uraraka. Iida sets her down, and together Iida and Uraraka laugh about it. Deku figures that she probably fell, but something about seeing Iida with Uraraka made him feel almost jealous. Deku shakes his hand, and figures that it's nothing to worry about.

Deku: "I brought these extra logs just in case we need more wood."

Iida: "Thank you Midoriya, this boat will be an excellent one at that."

After a few hours of working and assembling, the boat is finished. The whole group stands in front of it and admires the work they've done. It's sometime in the afternoon by now.

Kirishima: "Well, we got the boat, but where do we go now?"

Iida: "That's a good question.."

Just then, a beam of light illuminates the sky out in the distant ocean. It extends from the horizon to the sky.

Deku: "Hey, look, isn't that Aoyama's beam?!"

Iida: "My goodness, it appears so, that must be where we need to go."

Kirishima: "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Bakugou and Kirishima carry baskets of food that they harvested from the island and water buckets onto the boat. Together, they push the boat out onto the water and pile in. With paddles they constructed, two take turns paddling the boat out towards Aoyama's beam.

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