Chapter seven: Questions

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Sarina then had her hair cut to a reasonable length before Gaara helped her with brushing her hair. Afterwards Sarina went to try her clothes on before the lot of them went out to eat that night. Gaara and Sarina sat in the very back of the car while Temari and Kankuro sat in front of them. When they got to the restaurant Sarina sat beside Kankuro and Gaara as she felt conflicted on what to get.

Gaara explained most of the things on the menu to her before she thought about what to get. That night she didn't have that much of an appetite but she still at a bit of her dinner. When it came to going home Sarina was looking out the window as she saw that it was snowing, she also saw the many lights of different houses. She looked to Gaara curiously.

"What's with the snowmen, and stuff on peoples lawns?" Sarina asked confused

"It's because it's close to Christmas Sarina. It's December twenty first right now." Gaara stated

"Christmas? I've never heard of the holiday." Sarina said shaking her head

Kankuro looked back to her. "I know you said that you were treated differently but to hear this-it makes me wonder why you were treated differently?"

"I thought I answered that already? It's cause I'm a lot smarter than my two elder siblings-they don't like that I'm as smart as I am or that I can do what I can without too much help. My parents encouraged it since they didn't like that I was really smart either." Sarina explained

Kankuro shook his head. "Man that's f'ed up. Honestly you shouldn't have been treated so differently."

Sarina nodded her head. "I agree with that. I want to get back into school but I don't know if I'll be able to at the rate that things are now for me."

"You will once I figure out what school you were in before and go from there." Karura stated with a smile

Sarina's brown eyes lit up as she smiled at the elder brunette female. "I'd really like that! I know the name of the last school I went to too."

"That's good, I'm glad you do. I can look up the number for the school and have your work be transferred over." Karura said with a grin

"Okay!" She said before she looked to Gaara. "Question for you Gaara...what's Christmas?"

Gaara rubbed the back of his neck. "It's a Christian holiday that is celebrated on the twenty fifth. Nothing more to say about it-people get gifts on that day but my family doesn't follow that tradition. There's a different holiday we go by instead that's a bit more realistic."

Sarina looked to him curiously. "What do you mean gaara?"

"He's talking about the fact that we celebrate Yule. It's based off of a pagan religion." Kankuro explained

"What's Yule?" Sarina asked curiously

"It's celebration of the winter solace and giving blessings to those and everything around us." Temari explained

Sarina blinked her eyes a few times. "Oh...I guess this means you all are pagans then?" She asked

"Yes, that's exactly it. We basically believe in all of that around us nature and other wise." Their father said speaking up.

"Do what thou will but harm none." Gaara said speaking up

Sarina looked to gaara confused and he sighed. "It means do what you will but don't harm anyone in the process." Gaara explained

"Oh...I see. I'm sorry for not getting things like that. I haven't really been in touch with people in a long while." Sarina said sadly

Gaara patted the top of her head softly. "It's fine-you didn't know and I guess knowing about all of this would confuse anyone."

She nodded her head before she looked out the window once more until the car was parked. Temari and Kankuro got first before they helped out Sarina and gaara out of the car. Once everyone was out Gaara took her to the extra bedroom that was right beside his own.

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