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Max goes with everyone to the living room, but Harvey runs upstairs to go by me.

I turn the corner before he gets up all the way.

"BOO!" I say.

He screams. I laugh so hard I fall to the ground.

"What was that?" My mum yells.

"I fell!" Harvey yells back.

"Why?" Sara asks.

"I scared Y/n!"

"Oh!" They say.

"No, I scared Harvey!"

"Shhhh!" Harvey tells me.



"Yeah help!" I tell him reaching my hand out.

Harvey grabs it and pulls me up. We walk to my room.

"This is amazing..." we both say.

I giggle a bit. "Who did this?" Harvey asks.

"My dad, mom, and bestfriend... you moved into her house."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Harvey says.

"Its fine." We walk to my bed and sit on it.

"I'll miss her... but she'll visit." I say.

"Thats good." Harvey says.

"I guess..."

"Watcha wanna do?" Harveys asks.

"A couple options..."


"Ice cream, movies at my house, skate park, park?"

"What about ice cream then we go and watch a movie here."

"Okay!" I say.

I run downstairs. "We'll be back in 5 minutes!"

"Okay!" My mum yells.

"We gotta run!" I yell running already.


"Because it takes 2 minutes to get there, then about a minute to get it, then another 2 minutes to get back... walking."

"Then why run?"

"...because why not"

"Is that it?" Harvey asks.

"Yep!" I yell already running ahead.

Fit sister oouu

Okay, i'll stop. Also why are you reading this because I think it sucks and I shouldnt have posted it
k thanks byE

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