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"I'm gonna get higher than you!" Harvey says in a childish voice.

"You wish!" I throw a mini pebble at his feet.

"ouchieee!" He smirks.

I giggle and we both stare at the ground for what feels like hours.

"I can't believe I live in the same neighborhood as the girl I met at the airport." Harvey breaks the silence.

"Me neither Harv." I smile, "but I'm glad it happened because I would be lonely."

Harvey laughs but we get interrupted by a familiar voice only I know.

"Hey n/n,  who is this?" My ex-boyfriend says.

"I'm Harvey, and you are?" Harvey waits for an answer.

"Brayden." He smiles politely.

"Hi Brayden," I give him a small smile.

Some people think it is weird to stay friends with your ex, but he was my best friend in grade school and when we started dating we drifted. So we ended things and are getting back to how we used to be, it was for the best and I will always have that special place in my heart for him.

"I think I was just about to go. I have school supplies to get ready, poor me right?" Harvey says jumping off the swing landing on his stomach.

I laugh and nod.

"Okay, text me later Harvey!" I yell as he walks away.

Brayden sits on the swing Harvey was and pushes off the ground.

"So who was that?"

"Someone I met at the airport," I reply.

Brayden makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. "Anyways, how was it in New Jersey?"

"Amazing like always!" I begin.

Brayden nods to show he is listening to my story.

I go on and on about what occurred for a half an hour before getting interrupted by my mothers' ring tone coming from my pocket.

I take the phone and head home to start dinner while my mother went out to go buy more groceries for the house.

"Bye Brayden, see ya at school." I walk to my house.

I enter my driveway in a matter of 5 minutes. Luckily it was still bright out. I open the wooden door that leads me into my kitchen. "Hey, mom."

"Hey, sweetheart." She calls from the kitchen probably doing paperwork for my dad.

"Get ready for school tomorrow." She says.

"Wait, school is tomorrow?" I shout from the third step up the stairs.

"Yeah, and don't yell so loud Y/n," My mom says.

"Sorry," I answer while running up the stairs into my bedroom.

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