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Harvey and I finish our ice creams and milkshakes, so we go to the park.

No one is at the park at this time because school and parents have work. I sit on a swing and push myself up using my right foot.

"This reminds me of when I was a kid." I speak up.

"Same, I guess."

Harvey tells me how it did, as I am sitting on the swing smiling like an idiot.

"Do you think anyone has noticed we are gone?" Harvey asks.

"My friends probably noticed... but thats it." I reply.

He nods. Suddenly a drop of water hits my dark eyelashes and causes me too blink.

I look up, so does Harvey. "Do you want to go?" I ask.

"Only if you want to, I do miss the rain." He smiles.

I smile back, "lets stay awhile."


All i remember is...

The cold raindrops soak both out shirts as my hair is falling out of a loose ponytail because the impact.

Harvey takes the ponytail out of my hair, "we should go."

I nod, a storm is going to be coming anytime.

Suddenly lightning strikes, we both count how many miles it is away from us.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6...7...

And a rumble is heard, "we have time to get somewhere, don't we?" I grin.

Harvey looks around, "Where are we going to go?"

"Not back at school, they'll notice." I laugh a bit.

"How about my house?" He asks.

"Its a twenty minute walk. I'm lazy." I pout.

He picks me up bridal style and starts walking.

"Uhm, no." I try getting out of his grip.

"Y/n, you said you were tired." He stops.

"T'was a. JoKe..." I say.

He starts walking again, "please?" I ask.

He shakes his head, looking at me. Suddenly it start pouring out.

"Harvey just let me walk, we would get under something faster." He gives in, putting me down gently.

"Thanks." I say.

He nods, we go under an old pine tree. Its not the best but it'll have to work.

We wait for the down pour to pass.

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