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"Y/n, why did we need to leave?" Harvey whines.

"Uhh, I forgot." I lie.

Harvey glares, "There was no reason, was there..."

"No." I say.

"Y/n, why did we leave?" Harvey sighs.

"I-" I begin to say.

"You, what?" Harvey asks.

I run upstairs and flop on my bed.

"Y/n?" Harvey calls and comes into the room.

"Yeah?" I say quietly.

"Why did we leave, I won't be mad." He says softly.

"She's a snotty popular girl in my grade." I tell him.

"She didn't seem snotty." Harvey says.

"She is, she used to be my friend. But popularity beats our friendship I guess."

"Oh, but she's gorgeous." Harvey says.

I glare at him and smack his arm.

"Do not date her, please."

"Are you jealous?" Harvey smirks.

"N-no, but she takes all my friends and stole my boyfriend from me."

"How?" He asks.

"Her 'charm' I guess. He dumped me during school, in front of everyone."

"Who did? I'll beat his ass for you!" Harvey warns.

"No, it's done now." I say.

"Okay." He says, his eyebrow raised.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask.

"You were showing me around." Harvey says.

"No shit dumb ass."

"Don't be rude!" Harvey flicks my arm.

"Owww" I pout.

"Im sorryy!!!" Harvey tackles me in a hug.

"Its fine, get off." I say, while Harvey chuckles.

He gets off and we talk about little story times that happened with us.

Both our laughter fills the room.

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