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We get to the ice cream truck.
I hav no inspiration... gr8 m8

"What do you want?" I ask Harvey.

"I can order for myself." Harvey chuckles.

"Okay, order for your family too, if they like ice cream."


We walk up to the truck and look at the flavors.

"What would you guys like today?" The man working the truck says.

We order for everyone in our family, getting bowls with lids over them just in case.

We walk fast so they don't melt.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask Harv.

"Options?" Harvey asks.

"The Kissing Booth, Happy Death Day and maybe Happy Death Day 2U, Shrek, Hocus Pocus, Deadpool..." I say naming some movies.

"I don't know, both Happy Death Day's?"

"Sure, I haven't seen the second one yet..."

We get to my house, "How do we open the door?" Harvey asks.

I kick it three times. "It works!" I say as my dad opens the door.

We walk into the house and set the ice creams down.

Harvey hands them out to his family, I do the same to mine. Then we take ours and go upstairs.

"So Happy Death Day?" I ask to make sure.

"Yep." Harvey says.

We sit on the back of the bed and watch the movie eating ice cream.

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