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"Hey darling." My mum walks downstairs with her blonde hair falling behind her shoulders.

She had make up on, "where are you going? You don't dress like this or wear make up for work." I say recognizing that she had a tight black dress on.

"Job interview." She manages to get downstairs and walks out the door before I could ask more questions.

She wasn't there for me all the time, when I can whole from school; gone. Summer; I was gone making sure grandma was okay. So was dad, which was the sad part because as a child I would spend time with him the most.

I walk downstairs and get my shoes on, and grabbing my backpack.

Both Max and Harvey start walking up to my door, assuming to get me so we can head to school in their mum's van.

I walk out and they just turn around.

"Morning kiddo." I say to Max ruffling his hair.

"Morning." He says clearly not wanting to even be awake right now.

We hope in the van and get driven to school. "Y/n!" Harvey yells making Sara stop the van and Max and I jump.

"What?" I say still in a bit of shock.

"I haven't shown you my magic tricks I can do." He smiles brightly.

"You don't wanna see them." Max interrupts. I laugh.

"I'm sure I'll have to at some point." I say and smile.

"You will, weather you want to or not." Harvey says smirking.

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