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"Hey." He responds, "whats that?" He asks.

"Oh, a picture Max drew for me." I smile and bite my lip forcing myself not to laugh.

Harvey takes it out of my hands gently so he doesnt rip it. And looks at it.

He sighs of disappointment. "Its the house we grew up in, isnt it?"

I giggle, "yeah."

I put it in my locker and get ready for English.

Grabbing my books and folders, then shutting my locker. Harvey and I walk to class.

We decide to sit in the back corner closest to the window. Everyone else piles into the room and takes there seat.

"Today, we are going to get used to our scedule." The teacher speaks up.

Everyone goes quiet, and listens.

"We are going to read everyday in the morning for 25 minutes, then we'll have the word lf the day." She says.

"We havent had that since the second grade." A kid speaks up.

She ignores him, "next, we will do book clubs. When our bookclubs finish we will be moving onto a different unit and it will get into the more serious things."

A few kids groan and lay there head on the desk in front of them.

"So, now you all should start reading." She says.

I grab a book I brought, (favorite book).

"Y/n?" Harvey whispers. I look up from the book.

"Can I read with you?" He asks.

I look in front, shes doing work on the computer.

Harvey and I go onto the floor and read.

"What do you wanna do later?" Harvey whispers to me.

"I dont know, now quiet." I whisper back actually reading.

"Fine." Harvey continues to look at the words.

He rests his head on my shoulder as we both read silently.

Pamila if you're reading this. Shush about how bad these writing skills are!1!1!1

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