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"Hurry up Max!" Harvey calls.

"Calm your tits dude, we won't be late." Max says dragging himself down the stairs.

"Sorry, just excited." Harvey smiles.

Sara opens the front door and we carry our stuff out into the van.

Max sits in the front with Sara and Harvey and I sit in the back.

"Here we go, a long drive yay!" Max says sarcastically.

Sara starts to drive and turns on music. Tons of throwback songs play.

"AND I WILL WAIT, I WILL WAIT FOR YOU" Harvey and I scream in the car pointing at each other. Sara smiles as she watches us.

The car ride wasn't as long as it would have seemed because we were having so much fun.

(: Time skip :)

We board the plane right away because traffic caused the car ride to be longer which none of us noticed.

Harvey sits in the window seat and I sit next to him. Max and Sara go behind us because we didn't want 1 person to be alone.

"Are you excited?" Harvey asks.

"Of course I am!" I squeal and act like a child.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Harvey laughs.

The rest of the plane ride was good. It took along time and Harvey wouldn't fall asleep so he forced me to stay awake with him.

Just as Harvey finally becomes quiet I close my eyes. "Y/N LOOOOOOK"

"Whatt?" I look out the window, nothing. He laughs.

"Fuck you, Harvey." I say a bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry," he hugs me. I rest my head on his shoulder while he is still hugging me.

"Can I please sleep?" I ask him, he doesn't respond so I close my eyes.

"Y/N WE'RE LANDING NOW!" He shouts in my ear.

I look out the window again and he holds in a laugh.

"ha ha so funny" I tell him, "I wish I sat by Max."

"Noooo." Harvey whines pulling me closer.

I close my eyes again hoping Harvey wouldn't annoy me again.

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