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I miss you .

Read 4:29pm

Harvey ?

Read 4:30pm

"Are you going to answer?" I ask.

He stares at the phone screen, and stares, and keeps staring.

"Earth to Harvey." I say stretching out the 'y' a bit.

"Uh yeah?" He snaps out of it, he replies.

Harvey ?

You cheated on me

It was a mistake, I was drunk!

Doesn't give you
the right to cheat...

I decide to stop looking at the texts because they aren't any of my business, instead I lay my head on Harveys shoulder.

He shuts his phone off and gets up, "wanna play video games?"

I show a little smile and nod.

We go down into the living room and Harvey turns the t.v on.

He picks out 2 games Call of Duty and Minecraft. "Which one?"
^ Is that still a thing

"Call of duty, I'll kick your ass." I smirk.

"Pfft, yeah sure you would." He repiles in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, we'll know I'll win when you put the game in and we start playing." I say.

He nods, "right."

He puts the game in and we wait for it to load.

The door bursts open and Max comes in, I look back as does Harvey.

"Hey" Harvey says, Max looks over at us and smiles a bit.

He sits next to me. "Who do you think is gonna win, me or Harvey?" I ask.

"Me obviously." Harvey says.

Max rolls his eyes, "Y/n."

"HA!" I taunt Harvey.

"You suck at Call of Duty, Harvey." Max says watching the screan load.

- i dont wanna do this and ur not the boss of me so im gonna stop writing this chapter and there will be a huge time skip -

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