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"Whats your first three classes?" I ask the twins.

"I have art, maths, then history." Max says.

"I have science, english, history." Harvey sighs.

"I have art, english, and history." I smirk.

They both nod. "Try sitting by eachother in history?" I ask.

"Yeah, otherwise throw notes at eachother." Harvey says.

"Throwing notes never ends good Harvey." Max sighs getting into the van.

"Who knows, maybe its differnt this year." Harvey says.

"Yeah right." I laugh.

I grab my textbooks and start labeling them during the drive.

They watch silently, "is this new to you?" I chuckle and look at both of them.

"Yeah, we came from a different planet. You might call it mars, i believe. But we call it mills." Harvey speaks.

"Woah, thats so cool! Try explaining that to a teacher." My mum starts driving as she has been waiting for a few minutes.

- mini skip -

"Harvey, have fun in science." I call out.

He rolls his eyes and walks to class smiling.

"Lets go." I say and pull Max along.

"I take it you love art?" He raises a brow. Sorry if you dont but its amazing.

I don't answer, instead I pull gim down into the seat next to me. The teacher we have lets us do anything as long as we are working so its a really fun class.

I take the top paper from a pile, and a sharpened pencil. Max does the same.

I begin sketching. Max looks over at mine to get an idea.

"No you don't" I turn his face with my hand. Noo with my foot, sorry its 3am i have no clue what im doing.

"Its a surprise." I say quietly while concentrating.

"Then what am I supposed to draw?" He asks.

"Your old house? I wanna see what it looks like." I look up at him.

"I am horrible at drawing, im warning you." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and smile, "believe in yourself and you'll do better."

We start our drawings.
and finish them a few minutes before class ends.

I look at the final product of mine. Then at Max.

I hide the picture as it was still a surprise.

"Im done." Max sticks out his tounge a bit as he erases something.

"You first," he shows me. "Max?"

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Thats a box with a triangle." I laugh.

"It has a door." He points to it and pouts.

I laugh more, "so whats on yours?" He asks.

I let him flip it over, he sees a picture of him. "Your gift now." I smile.

"I cant except this." He says staring at it.

"Yes you can." I say sternly.

"Fine, here." He gives me his house drawing, I giggle.

"Thanks Max." We walk out of class with the other students.

I go to my locker, and Max goes to his. Harvey is already at my locker.

"Hey Harvs." I smile.

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