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"Uhmmm." Harvey looks around.

"I got these from my sister." I say and lay back onto my headboard.

Harvey sits in the bed with me and we sit in silence for minutes. I hear a soft snore and look over. I see Harvey peacefully sleeping and smile.

I get up to go change. Looking through my closet I find pastel blue shorts and a pastel pink crop top.

I sit next to him and close ny eyes. Drifting off into sleep, early.


"Y/n, y/nnnn" I hear a soft raspy voice say.

My eyes flutter open and my face is met with Harveys. My eyes widen, "Harvey what are you doing?"

"Waking you up, duh." He says.

I roll my eyes and get up off my bed.

Below me is a soft feeling, I remember the feathers.

"We have to clean these up." Harvey and I say, at the same time.

We start right away, putting them into a bin and shoving it under my bed.

"Harvey! Guess what we can do now" I ask.

He waits for me to say something, "you are sopposed to guess dumb fak."

He grins, "get ready because we have school," he pauses, "tomorrow."

"Yeah, but I also need new pillows." I tell him.

"Really? I didn't think of that." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes playfully, "But we should eat first."

"Pizza?" He asks.


He jumps up and down, I raise my eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"I love pizza, mind yo bussiness." He snaps back while laughing.

I laugh too and we go downstairs. Instead of making pizza we order it from pizza hut.

"What kind?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter." He replies.

I choose my favorite ( ______ ) and we clean off the kitchen table together.

"When are you going to go home?" I ask.

"After we eat the pizza, then I don't have to clean." He winks.

I laugh, "yeahh uhm, you're helping me bud."

"Did you just call me bud?"

"Oh, did I now?" I smirk.

He tackles me to the ground, but prevents my from hurting myself by putting a hand down.

We laugh and he sets me down gently onto the floor.

I look at him from the ground, "school is going to be fun with you" I smile.

He smiles back at me, I put my hand in front of his face. He gets up and takes my hand while pulling me up.

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