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*20 minutes pass*

My mom and dad get done with work anytime now... I think to myself.

"Harvey, we should go now." I look over in his direction. He's shivering from the cold.

The freezing rain runs down both our foreheads, while our shoes are full of water.

"We shouldn't skip school anymore." Harvey manages to get out, we start walking.

Along the way I text my mom not to pick me up, that I'll get a ride from a friend.

She responds right away.

I am getting a ride
home from a
friend, no need
to pick me up x

Its pouring out
and freezing... I'm
picking you up anyway

I got it figured out

Alright be safe xo

I will


Harvey and I walk to his house, faster than what we thought. School was almost out and his parents would be home in an hour or so.

"You want to take a quick shower here? Just until school is let out?" Harvey asks.

I shiver a bit and nod. He brings me up into his bedroom. Not much has been done to his room yet.

"What will I wear?" I ask blinking away the water that still falls down my face.

Harvey opens a drawer to his room, "this?" He asks pulling out a red supreme shirt.

"It'll have to do." I sigh from the massive head ache I had gotton from the rain.

He hands me grey sweatpants and shows me his bathroom. "Where will you shower?" I ask.

"Max's room." He states.
I nod as he leaves the room and closes the door.

I hop in the shower quickly and try taking a fast one so I can be done with it.

I actually have a headache and I can't focus so I am very sorry... also there are quite a few time skips now :/ I think my mind just wants to end this- lmfao

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